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Lv 4
ed asked in Politics & GovernmentLaw & Ethics · 1 decade ago

How to become Legal guardian for my nephew (by marriage)?

My nephew who lives in westchester, ny is 14 and is out of control. He is smoking marijuana, got suspended from school for having marijuana in his bag, is sneaking out of the house to hang out with his friends, and has come close to assaulting his mother. In general, he's going down the wrong path and has no respect for his mother. His mom is trying her best, but she's a single mom (dad left before kid was born) and she can't stop working to watch him all day. I live in a small town in PA and I'd like to take him in for awhile to get him away from his current group of friends, who I feel are taking advantage of him and may be using him as a courier for their drugs. I live to far to visit him, so taking him in for awhile or until 18 may be the best solution. How can I become his legal guardian or temporary legal guardian so that he can live with me and my wife? I want to register him in high school and for sports activities. His mother has said she will let him live with us. I really don't want to lose this kid, i've known him since he was 6. He's just around some bad people and they are influencing him in the wrong way. I don't have alot of money right now, so I'd like to keep a lawyer and his fees out of this. Thanks.

4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    His mother can grant temporary custody to you. Here is a link to free legal aid in New York.

  • Ms. P
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Many families do this without filing a bunch of paperwork. I would check with a lawyer and see if you can get by with him doing a simple letter that the mother signs, giving you temporary authority over the boy, which should be sufficient for the school board, and health care providers.

    I am a Rotary Youth Exchange officer and all we have is a one page notarized document stating that I am the kid's official guardian while they are in this country.

  • 5 years ago

    comparable became completed to me. I consulted a solicitor and there is no legal legal duty on you to alter right into a mum or dad in spite of the incontrovertible fact that if the babies have been to alter into orphaned then the emotional stress on you to safeguard the babies could be extreme. Its some thing human beings shouldn't do with out communicate. What as an occasion are the economic arrangements for this ? Have they insured themselves so which you in simple terms isn't under an extra economic burden? How could teh added accomodation necessary in a house be controlled? doubtlessly you lose income - how is that dealt with? Do they assume you to visit the area they at present stay in - my brother did , drop your life and take over. human beings desire ot have sensible expectancies of what family members could do with understand to babies and what they could desire to be sure whether the family members are keen to alter into guardians.

  • 1 decade ago

    All you really need is a power of attorney, it's something the mother signs that gives you the legal rights to basically act as his parent but she still retains her rights as his mother. I would be careful though, anything he does while in your custody you will be liable for, but I think what your trying to do it great. You can probably have one drawn up by a paralegal for maybe $50 (not sure, but it's something to look into).

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