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  • Any was to improve Signal Strength on Samsung Galaxy S3 (tmobile)?

    Is anyone aware of any possible way to improve signal strength on the Samsung Galaxy S3. I recently started service with t-mobile. The phone works well everywhere except my wife's job. There is literally no signal the minute she pulls into the parking lot. Even weirder is that my wife works at a store in the area mall, so we both have signal until we pull into the parking lot of her job.

    I called tmobile customer service and they put in a ticket to their engineers. They also sent me an email on how to manually switch to AT&T towers since they indicated they have a roaming agreement, which didn't work. Unfortunately, I ordered the phones while my wife was on vacation and 2 snow storms hit so my wife didn't go to work for 3 weeks. I tried cancelling with tmobile but they indicated that I was over the 20 day buyer's remorse period (bastards counted the day I ordered the phones as my activation date eventhough phones didn't arrive for 1 week due to back order). So now I'm either stuck with no contact with my wife when she's at work, which I don't like because of issues with the kids or to pay $200 per line to break contract with t-mobile. Also, my wife indicated ththat she does have some data connectivity and is able to use the internet, but its really slow. Help, please!

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans8 years ago
  • Child struggling with school work-4th Grader?

    My 4th grade child consistently struggles with her school work. This has been going on since 1st grade. She comes home and has absolutely no idea on how to do her homework. Her grades are mediocre. She's gone to summer school 3 times. I have hired a private tutor and currently have her in Kumon. Both the tutor and Kumon help but she's still falling behind her current work. I have gone to teachers for help but I have received very little other than keep working with her and hire a private tutor. I'm at my wit's end and homework usually takes about 1hr to complete when it should be about 20-30mins. I'm just concerned about her long term future and her being made to repeat a grade. I really don't know what more I can do. I never struggled with school and it actually came easy to me. My other child has no problems with school. Any suggestions? Thanks,

    3 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education1 decade ago
  • Is it time to divorce?

    Almost 10yrs ago, I married my wife in Mexico. She immigrated to the US and we lived in NY for 2 yrs. Everything was fine. We moved to California for 4 years and everything was good, really good. Unfortunately, a long term disease that my mom contracted from a blood transfusion when she gave birth to me reared its ugly head and she got really sick and had to undergo 2 rounds of chemo. I moved to Pennsylvania to be closer to my immediate family. That's when things started to get bad between me and my wife. She started giving me the silent treatment, blowing up over minor mistakes I made or the kids made. She'll be upset and give me the silent treatment for 1 week or 2. Its even escalated to where she's thrown things at me and 1 time she kicked me in the leg. I've never hit my wife. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't hit my wife, I've never had an affair, I try to best the best husband and father I can at all times. I'll ask my wife what's wrong and she'll say nothing is wrong but I feel upset and I have to take it out on you because I can't take it out on the kids. Or she'll say that she's tired of living in my shadow. I'll ask my wife if there's something I can do and she'll say that she'll get over it. This has been going on for the last 3 years. I'm getting to the point where I can't take it anymore. However, I don't want to walk away from a 10yr marriage without giving it a chance. I took vows and they mean something to me. I want to do what's best for my kids. Also, there is the international border thing going on. I fear that if I do leave, my wife will attempt to take the kids to Mexico and not come back, which she has threatened in the past. Any advise is appreciated. Thanks.

    12 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Excessive Fuel Consumption after fuel injection cleaning?

    About 1 year ago, while getting my 2000 suzuki grand vitara inspected for emissions, the mechanic from Monroe Brakes and Mufflers offered a fuel injection cleaning for my car for a "special price" of 29.95. He kept pestering me about it an I gave in. What a mistake. The gas mileage went from pretty good (about 18-20mpg) to pretty crappy (about 10-13 mpg). I can literally see the fuel indicator lowering as I'm driving. Might as well be driving the Dodge Ram Pick-up I wanted. Is there any way to get this fixed? I stopped using that mechanic after that. I know the car is almost 10yrs old, but it was doing really well until that @ss monkey touched it. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • How to become Legal guardian for my nephew (by marriage)?

    My nephew who lives in westchester, ny is 14 and is out of control. He is smoking marijuana, got suspended from school for having marijuana in his bag, is sneaking out of the house to hang out with his friends, and has come close to assaulting his mother. In general, he's going down the wrong path and has no respect for his mother. His mom is trying her best, but she's a single mom (dad left before kid was born) and she can't stop working to watch him all day. I live in a small town in PA and I'd like to take him in for awhile to get him away from his current group of friends, who I feel are taking advantage of him and may be using him as a courier for their drugs. I live to far to visit him, so taking him in for awhile or until 18 may be the best solution. How can I become his legal guardian or temporary legal guardian so that he can live with me and my wife? I want to register him in high school and for sports activities. His mother has said she will let him live with us. I really don't want to lose this kid, i've known him since he was 6. He's just around some bad people and they are influencing him in the wrong way. I don't have alot of money right now, so I'd like to keep a lawyer and his fees out of this. Thanks.

    4 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • Plumbing Question, toilet bubbles?

    When I run my dishwasher or washing machine, my downstairs toilet begins to bubble with air coming up. Also, when I flush that toilet, it starts to overflow but then recedes to a normal level. In no other sink or toilet in the house does this happen. The toilet and dishwasher about 8 ft from each other and the washing machine is in the basement directly below the toilet. Is there a clog somewhere or something trapped in the toilet? I have tried plunging the toilet but it doesn't help. Any suggestions? Thanks.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Spouse unwilling to relocate for a job promotion.?

    My spouse is unwililng to even speak with me about relocating for a promotion. I work in a small town for a big company. I went to college and got my bachelor's and master's degrees. My boss says I do a great job, but unfortunately, there are no promotion opportunities for the foreseable future. My boss has advised me to apply for promotions in other offices throughout the country and is willing to give me a great recommendation. In fairness to my wife, we did move from CA to PA 3 years ago so that we could be closer to our families (my idea) and have a lower cost of living. My spouse does not work and takes care of the 2 kids, which is probably harder than my job. I'm just really bored with my entry level position and the work has gotten to easy. Am I being unreasonable? I'd like to get as many opinions as possible from any perspective.

    5 AnswersMarriage & Divorce1 decade ago
  • Wet basement - sump pump?

    Lately, during heavy rains, water has been coming up through the floor of my basement. I know I need to properly address this in the future, but is a sump pump the way to go as a temporary solution for a year or two? I just spent a good deal of money converting from oil to gas heat and upgrading electric service to 200 amp, all of which are in the basement. I don't have alot of money at the moment due to the above, so any recommendations are appreciated. Also, I did run my down spouts 5 feet away from the house. The water is coming through the floor and leaving puddles in the basement.

    8 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Blown in wall insulation?

    I have a 1948 Colonial in central Pennsylvania. Last winter was miserable and expensive. It cost 500 a month in oil just to keep the house at 64. I replaced the 20 yr old oil furnace with a brand new gas furnace. I'm thinking about blowing in fiber cellulose insulation into the exterior walls to keep my heating costs low I'm certain the house has no wall insulation. Has anyone had any negative or positive results from this. I don't want to waste my time. I figure it would cost a little less than 500 to do the whole house (1800 sf). My other option is to wait 2 years for when I replace the aluminum siding with vinyl and have spray foam injected into the exterior walls from the outside. Unfortunately, I have plaster walls, so its not as easy as tearing down drywall and putting up batts. Any advice/recommendations.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Heating for next winter-advice needed.?

    I just got a $724 bill for oil. The way the prices are going, a change needs to be made. My oil furnace is 20 years old, so it needs to go. My current options are:

    1)Replace the oil furnace with a new more efficient one.

    2)Convert to Natural Gas. The gas company is willing to install service up to the house for free. It would be my responsibility to have a contractor run a line from the house to the furnace and buy a new furnace.

    3)Purchase and install a coal stove: I live in Central PA (coal region). 1 ton of coal is about $200. My buddy burned 3 tons this winter in his larger house.

    4)Purchase and install a corn/wood pellet stove. Also, cheap in the area.

    I would appreciate anyone with experience in this field's opinion. No way I can afford to heat the house next winter if oil prices continue to rise. Thanks.

    9 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Ingrown Body Hairs?

    I have alot of ingrown body hairs, specifically back and arms. What's the best way to get rid of them. I have tweezed them out but its caused a good amount of scarring. I don't shave any body hair, so I dont know what caused this. I don't know if this is related but when I excercise, I get extremely itchy in my back.

    6 AnswersSkin Conditions1 decade ago
  • 20 year old thermopride furnace - time to replace?

    I recently purchased a house with a 20 year old thermopride forced hot air furnace. I have a 240 gallon oil tank and I'm burning about a quarter tank of oil a week by leaving the thermostat at 64 degrees. Is this normal? If I replace it, any recommendations of what to get? I live in central PA, so it does regulary drop below 32. Also, natural gas is not an optiion since its not offered where I live and I have no gas lines in the house.

    7 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • 20 year old oil fired water heater, time to replace?

    I recently purchased a house that has an oil fired water heater. Looking at the entergy rating on the tank, it says I will spend 249 a year to heat oil if oil is 1.22 a gallon. Obviously, heating oil is about 3.15 a gallon, based on my last bill. The tank is 20 years old. Would I save a substantial amount switching to an electric water heater or electric tankless water heater? The unit seems to be working fine but I'm concerned about its age and the fact that oil is alot more expensive than it was 20 years ago. I'm leaning towards tankless but thought I'd get some opinions.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • Cold Room - additional vents or baseboard electric?

    One room in the house is extremely cold, it is an addition after the original construction. Room is about 15X30 and has one vent for forced hot air. Should I look into adding another vent or should I just add baseboard electric heating for this one room? The room is insulated, but seems to get very hot or very cold depending on the temperature. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks.

    5 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago