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Lv 4

Any was to improve Signal Strength on Samsung Galaxy S3 (tmobile)?

Is anyone aware of any possible way to improve signal strength on the Samsung Galaxy S3. I recently started service with t-mobile. The phone works well everywhere except my wife's job. There is literally no signal the minute she pulls into the parking lot. Even weirder is that my wife works at a store in the area mall, so we both have signal until we pull into the parking lot of her job.

I called tmobile customer service and they put in a ticket to their engineers. They also sent me an email on how to manually switch to AT&T towers since they indicated they have a roaming agreement, which didn't work. Unfortunately, I ordered the phones while my wife was on vacation and 2 snow storms hit so my wife didn't go to work for 3 weeks. I tried cancelling with tmobile but they indicated that I was over the 20 day buyer's remorse period (bastards counted the day I ordered the phones as my activation date eventhough phones didn't arrive for 1 week due to back order). So now I'm either stuck with no contact with my wife when she's at work, which I don't like because of issues with the kids or to pay $200 per line to break contract with t-mobile. Also, my wife indicated ththat she does have some data connectivity and is able to use the internet, but its really slow. Help, please!

4 Answers

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Get 100% Free Phone :
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    The Galaxy S III mini is nothing like the real Galaxy S III in both hardware and software. The Galaxy S III mini uses more cheaper, older and less powerful hardware than the Galaxy S III and not all features on the actual Galaxy S III is present on the Galaxy S III mini. That is the major downfall. It's not as good, it's slower, doesn't offer as much and etc. The only good thing about the mini is the how compact it is. The Galaxy S III is a much better handset, you may think it's big at first, but you'll get used to it after a few days. Most people do. I even see people with small hands holding the Galaxy Note II with no problems at all and actually likes it. So the Galaxy S III is the same, since it's smaller than the Note II, it's much easier to hold. The S III is faster and comes with more features than the mini and once you get the Premium Suite update, you also get Galaxy Note II features such as multi-view which allows you to run two apps simultaneously in a split view (one app at the top and one at the bottom).

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    Not to be an ***, but T-Mobile is SHlT. Everyone likes their promotions and eventually falls for their signing up plan. Once they are with them, they cry about it. Just get Verizon or Sprint. Done.

  • Dakota
    Lv 6
    8 years ago

    No tmobile 's service is sucky

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