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Child struggling with school work-4th Grader?

My 4th grade child consistently struggles with her school work. This has been going on since 1st grade. She comes home and has absolutely no idea on how to do her homework. Her grades are mediocre. She's gone to summer school 3 times. I have hired a private tutor and currently have her in Kumon. Both the tutor and Kumon help but she's still falling behind her current work. I have gone to teachers for help but I have received very little other than keep working with her and hire a private tutor. I'm at my wit's end and homework usually takes about 1hr to complete when it should be about 20-30mins. I'm just concerned about her long term future and her being made to repeat a grade. I really don't know what more I can do. I never struggled with school and it actually came easy to me. My other child has no problems with school. Any suggestions? Thanks,

3 Answers

  • John
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Can the child see OK, have you ever had her eyes checked? This is more common than you think.

    2) Does your child have problems concentrating? Does she daydream a lot? She may have Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD).

    3) She may be a late bloomer... take it from one, I could not focus when I was a child. My mother would lock me in a room so I would study and all I did was have a great time playing out my fantasies of bad guys and good guys, heroes and villains. Eventually, at twenty-something, I realized life was passing me by and I got serious about school. I went to night school while working a day job, graduated from college and then got an MBA, all at night... the hard way.

    Don't lose faith in your child, please try to get her through high school.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ask her if she likes her classmates and teachers. Try to get her to answer honestly. If she has bad teachers or mean classmates, her grades are going to drop like a rock. Ask her if she likes her school. Maybe she's just not comfortable in her environment. Is she trying or does she act up in class? It sounds like she might not be processing what her teachers tell her to do. Have you had her evaluated for ADHD?

    It's possible that she has a learning disability and needs a special program.

  • 5 years ago

    LOL! So humorous, particularly the seat belt remark! i imagine all those who raised little ones or spent any time with little ones have such thoughts ourselves, In answer on your Q do you little ones answer the homestead telephone, i wish so, they are adults now! Many advantages!

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