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Excessive Fuel Consumption after fuel injection cleaning?

About 1 year ago, while getting my 2000 suzuki grand vitara inspected for emissions, the mechanic from Monroe Brakes and Mufflers offered a fuel injection cleaning for my car for a "special price" of 29.95. He kept pestering me about it an I gave in. What a mistake. The gas mileage went from pretty good (about 18-20mpg) to pretty crappy (about 10-13 mpg). I can literally see the fuel indicator lowering as I'm driving. Might as well be driving the Dodge Ram Pick-up I wanted. Is there any way to get this fixed? I stopped using that mechanic after that. I know the car is almost 10yrs old, but it was doing really well until that @ss monkey touched it. Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks


My check engine light is not on, and it hasn't been on since he did that. I've absolutely never ignored maintenance on that vehicle.

Update 2:

I installed a K&N air filter for my vehicle about 6 months ago. I brought this car brand new in july of 00 and it really means alot to me, so I've always taken care of it. I'm just not mechanically inclined. I've always tune it up every year, change oil every 3000. I did mention it to the new mechanic I used and he did a tune-up, changed pcv valve, check air pressure in tires, etc. He did mention he could try to find out but it would cost me some $$ in labor. Just trying to get an idea of what happended to it can point me in right direction.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    sounds like he wrecked injectors...replace may be able to get rebuilt ones

    my fav on line store is prices..i swear it

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It all depends on exactly what they mean by cleaning the fuel injectors. If their just going to throw some fuel injection cleaner in your gas tank then NO that is not reasonable and is a ripoff! But if they're going to physically clean the injectors and inspect the entire fuel injection system then maybe it's an ok price but once again it all depends. My suggestion is just go by some fuel injection cleaner at an auto parts store or Walmart and buy two and throw them in your tank, two because it sounds like your car has never received a fuel injection treatment. The two should be good enough. If you feel your car shaking in the morning when you first start it that usually means injectors are dirty. But if you don't feel anything then don't worry about it. Try the injection cleaners first then go back to the garage if your not satisfied. Their really not that expensive about around three dollars each ten dollars for the better brand. It's better than spending ninety dollars and especially if all their doing is throwing some fuel injection cleaner in the tank, which you are more than capable of doing yourself. Hope this helps!

  • 1 decade ago

    How long has your check engine light been on (how long have you been ignoring it)? That will point you in the right direction as to the real problem of why your fuel economy has allegedly become so bad. It would also run like complete crap if it were running that rich.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    install a new air filter.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Work on this site as there is enough information in this site click here.

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