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Why does windows security alert say I dont have an anti-virus software installed?

I have mcAfee security center, and has everything like a firewall and a virus protection. Windows tells me that i dont have an anti-virus software installed why? Everything is up to date, is there a way to tell windows that i do have it, without disabling the pop up? Under security center it shows mcafee under spyware and malware protection but nothing under anit-virus, thanks

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This was also happening to me with Kaspersky and

    it was usually after windows updates which can be every

    24hrs and deleting the windows log files and rebooting

    seemed to cure the problem for another week or so.

    Also i noticed if kasp...done an update at startup

    the windows pop-up appeared saying no a/virus.

    As far as i know there is no way to tell windows

    that you do have it as they don't even seem to know which

    a/virus you may have changed 2 or 3 times.

    Just go to control on change the way

    security centre alerts me and uncheck the Virus alert and

    click can leave the firewall and the updates checked as they don't seem to give a problem.

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