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  • Amazon Refund Question?

    I sold a book an I shipped the package today, and the buyer just emailed me that he doesn't want it anymore. I have no clue what to do. The item is on the way to him. Should he ship it back to me first then i issue him a refund? Please explain in steps. thanks

    1 AnswerUnited States1 decade ago
  • Is general chemistry required?

    My major is computer engineer. I'm a freshman in college and I'm struggling real bad with general chemistry. Is general chemistry even required for computer engineering? I'm still thinking about withdrawing from the class before the deadline because I'm not to sure about passing and I want to avoid recieving the F and retake this course at a later time. I just want to hear opinions of what I should do? Thanks.

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • Having Iphone problems?

    Ive had problems with my 3gs since last night. I get full bars of 3g and everythings fine in my house. But when i do things like send a text or anything data related,my bars drop to 0 and it says searching then no service. I have great service in my area and in my house it never done this untill now. I went to apple and they even replaced the phone, this only happens at my house and sometimes other areas for some reason. It continues to happen on the replacement phone they gave me. And right now im restoring my new phone because i just restarted it and it wouldnt power on. So what can the problem be with signal dropping? will i need a new sim card, and how will i get a new sim card from at&t. I dont want to go through activation again with itunes and renew my contract. Is there a way att can just activate the new sim there?thanks

    3 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Should I buy an iPhone 3gs now or wait?

    I'm getting the new iPhone for sure. I'm upgrading from my current first gen iPhone. I've been reading a lot about overheating issues with the new iPhone. Should I wait? And can this be fixed with a software update or is it hardware? Please tell me the experiences your having. Thanks!

    8 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Iphone 3g s Ordering?

    If I order the iphone 3g s online through at&t will the phone come sealed in its box? or will the box be open cause they need to activate it? What about ordering through apples store. Does it come sealed or open? Please let me know how your orders came. thanks

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Car radio stops playing?

    A while ago I had best buy install a radio for me that I had. Everything went fine and music plays. But after couple of seconds my electric antenna on the car goes back down, the music stops playing but there's an equalizer on the radio and it shows it as playing, This happens with cd, the aux, and radio. Best buy told me i have a blown speaker and need to replace it. I know for a fact that its not, because when the weathers nice like hot, that's the only time when this happens. All winter long when it was cold it never stopped playing and worked fine, until the weather got better and it only works for like max of 30 seconds. What is the problem? Is the radio the problem? and since i get a lifetime warranty for the installation from best buy, can i buy a new radio and have them install it for free? thank you.

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Computer wont wont up from sleep?

    I had problems after upgrading my Ram on my pc. After I added 2 more gigs in the last slot I had, when i put my computer to sleep it refuses to to wake up. It wakes up, but the monitor doesn't wake up. Right now I opened the computer and switched the 2 gig ram stick over to where my 1 gig was and put the 1 gig where the 2 gig was. There both in the same bank ( 2 slots in each bank, and the first bank has two 512s) after doing the switch it wakes up. What was the problem? Can I have a 2 gig and a 1 gig in the same bank. I have a 64 bit os of windows vista, processor, and 4 gigs of ram. Thank you

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Upgrading computer ram?

    I have 2 gigs on my desktop pc. It has 2 banks with 2 slots in each bank, (so a total of four slots). Two slots have two 512 sticks on one bank, and the other bank I have a 1 gig stick. I'm thinking about buying 4 gigs, (two 2 gig sticks), and replace it with the 512s. I was wondering if its safe to have different brands of ram in. So when i remove the two 512s, I'm going to add both 2 gig sticks in, and in the other bank theres going to be a one 1 gig stick and one available slot. Can I put a 512 stick with a 1 gig stick in the same bank. I was reading about the memory has to be the same in each bank, can anyone confirm this? And I am going to upgrade to a 64 bit OS to have it supported.Thanks

    4 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • Why does windows security alert say I dont have an anti-virus software installed?

    I have mcAfee security center, and has everything like a firewall and a virus protection. Windows tells me that i dont have an anti-virus software installed why? Everything is up to date, is there a way to tell windows that i do have it, without disabling the pop up? Under security center it shows mcafee under spyware and malware protection but nothing under anit-virus, thanks

    1 AnswerSecurity1 decade ago
  • HELP!!!! windows repair ruined my computer!?

    I put the windows xp disk in and repaired cause I was having problems, now when I boot a blue screen of death comes up and resets I tryed safe mode EVERYTHING you name it. Tryed repair again no luck. Went to repair console command thing types fixmbr, fixboot and all those no luck. Is there a way to fix it without reinstalling? Also if I reinstall it on the same drvie (c) not format, or anything just install over it, will it delete my data?

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • car cd player plays music but no display?

    I have a 1997 nissan maxima. The car came with it's factory cd player.On the cd player, whichever mode it's in like cd or fm, it plays music so I know it's working but it has no display. Like I can't check the station or the track on the player. Is this a player issue where I have to buy a new one? Or is it wiring or fuse? And if it's a player issue where can I buy the same cd player? Thanks

    2 AnswersCar Audio1 decade ago
  • Reinstalling windows?

    I have a windows XP cd, but i want to reinstall my friends computer with it. Can i put in the disc on my friends computer and use his product key thats on his computer? I just want to know if it will work work when the disc asks me to type the product key and if i type his product key the one that his computer is licensed to if it would work? he has the same xp version thats on the disc. Thank you

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • left testical pain and swelling help??????

    Saturday my friend gave me a ball tapper it hurt, went away after couple minutes, sunday i was fine, monday i get him back but it wasnt good then my friend trys to get me but i block it, after i block it, i start feeling pain on the left side of my testicle, tuesday was same feeling just little pain, wensday it went away and thursday the small feeling came back, today (friday) it bothered me so much it hurt like crazy, i inspected it and noticed it swelling, and different colors:[ is there anyway i can treat this plz help i dont want to go to the emergency room, its hard to tell my mom this kind of stuff, and if i have to go can i go tomarrow morning and still be fine thanks

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management1 decade ago
  • Tivo hd, HD Channels?

    Im getting a Tivo HD Very soon. I currentlu have digital cable so im going to switch to basic cable and get cable cards. I want to know what do i need to buy to get hd channels. I heard about hd attena reciever from over the air. My cable company offers this, but i dont want to lease it. Can someone give me a link where i can purchase one for a good price, and also will this over the air hd channel stuff work in febuary 2009? i do have a hdtv but have no idea about the hd channels if someone can please explain it all to me. thanks

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • How long does a tivo box last?

    I am planning to buy a tivo hd dvr, and just pay monthly for it. I would like to know how long will the box last. In other words whats the life range on it. And one more question? If i am paying monthly for it do they charge my credit card? ANd is there a way that they can send me a paper bill in the mail insead of charging my credit card? Thanks

    2 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • I lost my cat :[ and have a few questions?

    My cat started acting strange a week ago, he would hide, and stop eating. Next day his stomache got huge. i took him to vet and they drained it, and gave me tablets. We took him home after a day, and hes weak, barely moves, doesnt eat, drinks a little, and avoids people. Vet said he trys to hide somewhere away from people so he can die alone, he was very weak and barely can move. We took him to vet and thet said hes dying. they didnt know exactly what was wrong, but chances were liver diseas, chance of Fip, and other deadly things. His stomache comes back big, and vet said we have to put him to sleep. I refused to so i took him home. Vet said hes in no pain yet and hes not suffering either. When i took him home, it makes me sad looking at him trying to sleep and he doesnt close his eyes, and how weak he was. One hour later i make a descision and take hom to the vet to put him down. Did i do it to early? Was it a good decison? and was there a possible cure? Thanks im still very sad :(

    12 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Tivo Question?

    I am thinking of buying a tivo hd box, and currently have digital cable, does replacing my cable box with tivo save me money? And if I switch to basic cable and get the hd tivo, can i still record in hd? and will i still need to get cable cards, im looking for as much information as i can on how tivo works, i pay about 60 dollars alone for my cable service, so if i get tivo hd and just get digital cable cards for 1.99 a month each does that elimintate the digital service im paying with my cable box and just paying 1.99 for digital on the cards? thanks so much for help

    3 AnswersTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • Tivo Question?

    I am thinking of buying a tivo hd dvr box. I have couple questions. I want to know exactly how much ill be looking at with the monthly subscription on the tivo along with the cable service im getting. I have digital cable, and pay around 45-50 dollars alone. Tivo requires cable cards and i can get that for 1.99 a month. So if i get tivo, would my cable serivice be reduced, becuase im getting rid of my cable box? And if you have tivo how much are you paying all together with the tivo subscription and your service. One more question, if i have tivo in the other room, can i still watch tv in other rooms that are using standard cable without a box or anything. Thanks for the help

    1 AnswerTiVO & DVRs1 decade ago
  • iPhone: this accesory is not made to work with iPhone?

    I have an iPhone and couple days ago I started getting the message this accesory is not made to work with iPhone. I tried everything like a full restore on iTunes and resetd couple time still no luck. There is nothing connected to it. I cleaned it with compressed air and still no luck. I took of to apple store yesterday and they looked at it and said they found liquid and its not covered by apple care. I havent ever dropped my phone in liquid before. Apple wanted 200 dollars just for them to open the device and clean it out. I was wondering what I can do to make apple accept this device so they can fix my problem? I can't go backto apple store because its to far were I live. I also want to know if I can send it into appple through there online service? Thanks to all who help

    2 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • Is pandora batterys legal on ebay?

    I recently posted a pandora battery on ebay. It was canceled and i was alerted with a copyright notice. I then reposted 2 more, and this time both of them made it. I got payed. A day later ebay cancels the bids again for the same reason. I want to know if pandora batterys are legal, if not why? I didnt add anything to the memory stick which is illegal, and i know hacking its legal, so why would they deleate me items. Also since i got payed, and requested my check through paypal, would i recieve the money?

    2 AnswersPDAs & Handhelds1 decade ago