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car cd player plays music but no display?

I have a 1997 nissan maxima. The car came with it's factory cd player.On the cd player, whichever mode it's in like cd or fm, it plays music so I know it's working but it has no display. Like I can't check the station or the track on the player. Is this a player issue where I have to buy a new one? Or is it wiring or fuse? And if it's a player issue where can I buy the same cd player? Thanks

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, it's 11 years old. Some radio/cd combinations have a bulb that back lights the display so it can be seen, it could be you have a burned out bulb.

    The dealer should be able to tell if it has a bulb, and replace it if it does.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey There,

    I run into this all the time. Sometimes it is a bulb but for the money your going to have to pay out to a dealership you can buy a nice aftermarket with a lot more features. You can get a decent aftermarket radio for anywhere from $100-$200. As far as wiring and fuses, there is not a serperate fuse just for the radio display, it either works or it doesn't. However I have run into situations where some of the wiring can go bad, but its few and far between. Best bet is just to get into something aftermarket. You wont be dissappointed. Good Luck.

    Source(s): MECP Installer
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