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Iphone 3g s Ordering?

If I order the iphone 3g s online through at&t will the phone come sealed in its box? or will the box be open cause they need to activate it? What about ordering through apples store. Does it come sealed or open? Please let me know how your orders came. thanks

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    the box will have been opened and then resealed for that exact reason. it has to be activated by putting the sim card in. but its cool ive been with them for 10 years and never had a problem with receiving my phones

  • stacks
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    Iphone 16GB are in short supply making hens tooth seem person-friendly. you could pre-order one on line and start up the credit examine yet you're nevertheless pointed to come back to a carphone warehouse shop to sign the settlement and deliver collectively and pay for the telephone. ordering direct form O2 is distinctive they do each and each of the preliminaries on line and courier you the telephone. Please be conscious they are purely available on settlement and now the minimum has been positioned up to £35 pcm. it takes approximately 3 days.

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