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Having Iphone problems?

Ive had problems with my 3gs since last night. I get full bars of 3g and everythings fine in my house. But when i do things like send a text or anything data related,my bars drop to 0 and it says searching then no service. I have great service in my area and in my house it never done this untill now. I went to apple and they even replaced the phone, this only happens at my house and sometimes other areas for some reason. It continues to happen on the replacement phone they gave me. And right now im restoring my new phone because i just restarted it and it wouldnt power on. So what can the problem be with signal dropping? will i need a new sim card, and how will i get a new sim card from at&t. I dont want to go through activation again with itunes and renew my contract. Is there a way att can just activate the new sim there?thanks

3 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    You can find all the info you need in the book


    The missing manual

    you can find it at barnes & noble, books-a-million, basically anywhere that sells books.

    hope this helps!

    Source(s): personal experience, google, amazon, Missing Manual
  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    ok... signal issues on iphone 3gs... You already replaced phone.. good.. you are on the right track, now you need to get the sim replaced.

    Go to ATT store and explain what is going on... they will give you new SIM card for free... they better!... As a courtesy, they BETTER activate the sim and put it in the iphone too...

    now, worse case senario... phone and sim is replaced.. but the issue still happens, call 611 asap!!!!!!

    good luck

    Source(s): ATT Wireless Manager
  • 1 decade ago

    at&t never makes the customer pay for a defective SIM card. They always replace them for free. Just go into an at&t store and have them give you a new SIM card.

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