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HELP!!!! windows repair ruined my computer!?

I put the windows xp disk in and repaired cause I was having problems, now when I boot a blue screen of death comes up and resets I tryed safe mode EVERYTHING you name it. Tryed repair again no luck. Went to repair console command thing types fixmbr, fixboot and all those no luck. Is there a way to fix it without reinstalling? Also if I reinstall it on the same drvie (c) not format, or anything just install over it, will it delete my data?

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Bluescreens can be caused by physical faults such as faulty memory, power supply issues, overheating of components, or hardware running beyond its specification limits.If you still have a faulty part the repair option won't do anything.Start troubleshooting your hardware

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