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Computer wont wont up from sleep?

I had problems after upgrading my Ram on my pc. After I added 2 more gigs in the last slot I had, when i put my computer to sleep it refuses to to wake up. It wakes up, but the monitor doesn't wake up. Right now I opened the computer and switched the 2 gig ram stick over to where my 1 gig was and put the 1 gig where the 2 gig was. There both in the same bank ( 2 slots in each bank, and the first bank has two 512s) after doing the switch it wakes up. What was the problem? Can I have a 2 gig and a 1 gig in the same bank. I have a 64 bit os of windows vista, processor, and 4 gigs of ram. Thank you


Sorry about the two "wont" in title. I meant "Computer wont wake up from sleep"

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Disable Sleep, y u want the sys to sleep if u can hibernate or shut it down, sleeping put load on the motherboard, as its still running.

    a Bios update can fix or & few settings in power options.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm not thoroughly particular about this... in case you are able to burn it onto a dvd, you ought to attempt this. That way you are able to placed it in a dvd participant and watch it on a television in case you do not techniques that being on all nighttime. in case you do not have a dvd participant and also you nonetheless won't be able to stumble on a answer for your challenge, I propose you purchase one at shops like suited purchase.

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