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Tivo Question?

I am thinking of buying a tivo hd dvr box. I have couple questions. I want to know exactly how much ill be looking at with the monthly subscription on the tivo along with the cable service im getting. I have digital cable, and pay around 45-50 dollars alone. Tivo requires cable cards and i can get that for 1.99 a month. So if i get tivo, would my cable serivice be reduced, becuase im getting rid of my cable box? And if you have tivo how much are you paying all together with the tivo subscription and your service. One more question, if i have tivo in the other room, can i still watch tv in other rooms that are using standard cable without a box or anything. Thanks for the help

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi mnd,

    TiVo is $12.95 monthly or you can pay by the year -

    1-year prepaid plan $129.00($10.75/month)

    2-year prepaid plan $249.00($10.38/month)

    3-year prepaid plan $299.00($8.31/month

    If you are renting your cable box you can return the one where TiVo will be with the cable cards.

    TiVo offers a lot of features.

    With my series 2 and series 3 TiVo’s I can transfer recordings to my computer, edit them if desired then record them to a DVD.

    You can also allow TiVo to share pictures and music from your computer. It will play the music and slide shows on your TV.

    To learn all about TiVo check their web site here -

    Check the TiVo user forum here -

    The TiVo Community Store often has good bargains for TiVo’s or accessories. Check them for current pricing along with your local Best Buy -

    You need either a phone line or Internet connection for TiVo to download software updates and program information.


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