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Tivo Question?

I am thinking of buying a tivo hd box, and currently have digital cable, does replacing my cable box with tivo save me money? And if I switch to basic cable and get the hd tivo, can i still record in hd? and will i still need to get cable cards, im looking for as much information as i can on how tivo works, i pay about 60 dollars alone for my cable service, so if i get tivo hd and just get digital cable cards for 1.99 a month each does that elimintate the digital service im paying with my cable box and just paying 1.99 for digital on the cards? thanks so much for help


tivo requires a cable card to get the channels from my service provider

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi mnb,

    If you get TiVo and cable cards you still need your existing service including your set top box assuming you want to be able to record two channels on TiVo and watch another on your TV at the same time.

    To learn all about TiVo check their web site here -

    Check the TiVo user forum here -

    The TiVo Community Store often has good bargains for TiVo’s or accessories. Check them for current pricing along with your local Best Buy -

    You need either a phone line or Internet connection for TiVo to download software updates and program information.


  • 1 decade ago

    1. Cable Card might not convert HD or receive movie channels. Check first with cable company.


    2. No HD service then it doesn't matter if you have a HD Tivo.

    = 3. May be best to get HD cable box/dvr from cable company.

  • 1 decade ago

    what the hell is a "cable card?" I'm not really sure what you are trying to do, but getting HD and a Tivo will cost you more than you are currently paying, not less.

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