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Should I buy an iPhone 3gs now or wait?

I'm getting the new iPhone for sure. I'm upgrading from my current first gen iPhone. I've been reading a lot about overheating issues with the new iPhone. Should I wait? And can this be fixed with a software update or is it hardware? Please tell me the experiences your having. Thanks!

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a hardware issue that has affected a very small number of devices. And those devices were replaced under warranty. Go ahead and get it now and enjoy having the latest technology...until they come out with the next version.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    The overheating is a hardware problem within the new iPhone 3GS, However, if you are willing to wait for up to 6 months when they have fixed all of the known faults, therefor, your time waiting will have been a worthy wait and will save you money.

    Source(s): Too many websites to list.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if i qualify for an upgrade and i am still on the first gen i would get the 3gs. I love my 3g and i can never go back to the 2g. if i knew they would have came out with the 3gs i would have waited abit longer. You never know if apple will release a new iphone next june so beware!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I would wait, there are some serious bugs that Apple is working out with the phone right now. The battery may be the main problem, plus the MMS service isn't fully up yet so that is frustrating. Wait for about 2 months I would say.

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  • mulvey
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    if i've got been you i might wait. definite the present iphone is surprising (I even have had each and every version so a ways) however the factor is the recent ones they arrive out with merely blow the old ones out of the water. Its nicely well worth the wait apple comes out with products that blow my innovations and for this reason they are starting to be one among those fulfillment. the recent one would seem diverse have diverse helpful factors the old one dosint have and is in all risk speedier with a extra appropriate image/digicam. If something it could have each and all of the helpful factors of the present one so which you cant pass incorrect. i advise you to attend in case you wont pass loopy waiting right here few months. keep in mind it may not launch in June they might announce it like they did in the past and launch it in July yet they sometimes follow varieties so which you would be able to anticipate an announcement in june. ultimate of luck and chuffed trip trips

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You all ready have an Iphone. Just wait till WWDC when Apple might unveil news about a verizon Iphone. It'll be worth the wait.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    I would suggest that you wait a bit, till all the problems are fixed and some reviews after longer usage are posted - you will then know if it is worth to buy it.

  • 1 decade ago

    Get the 3G S.

    Because it DOES NOT overheat when you use it.

    3G is the one that overheats with 3.0 software!

    Read this:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wait until the problem is resolved or get a warranty :D

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