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Note: I am a boy, I just like playin' with the avatar. And the male avatars on here look like they're constantly chewing on something. So, I'm not going to put up with that. I've been on Yahoo! Answers since November 2007. But I have been deleted twice for no reason :(

  • Can I post a whole newspaper article on tumblr?

    If I type out the whole article and cite it is that still plagiarism or illegal or some sh*t

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism8 years ago
  • Can i post on our community board that my neighbor is delinquent on her taxes?

    Today, I overheard my b*tch neighbor mutter to my dad that he was "white trash" and I also recently discovered that her and her husband are 5,000 dollars delinquent on their taxes. Would it be considered harassment if i were to print out this page from the county website that shows she is delinquent on her taxes and put it on the community board by the mailbox with a note like "We all know, Janet"? I hate this woman and I want to get back at her please and thank you

    3 AnswersLaw & Ethics8 years ago
  • how can i make my neighbors move out?

    they're horrible people who just moved here in the beginning of 2012.

    -the guy is a big black gangsta

    -who beats the hell out of his wife every now and again so audibly that we can hear it in the middle of the night.

    -he also is trying to raise pitbulls for dog fighting. he does the usual things like tying them up to weights and placing water across the yard to build up their strength. we've called the spca here a couple times and nothing happens. we can hear the pup whimpering throughout the day.

    -during the day they are just so loud and annoying. right now they're blaring "Hollaback Girl" by Gwen Stefani.

    -pretty sure they deal drugs. at like 11 o'clock at night there will be like 7 cars outside with people just sitting in them.

    i f*cking hate these people. who has ideas? :D

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate8 years ago
  • How do I cite this in my essay?

    It's a little snippet featured in an article, but it isn't by the author of the article. I looked to see if it was from a different source and it isn't. My teacher would like us to use embedded citations.

    This is an image of what I'm talking about

    2 AnswersHomework Help9 years ago
  • Someone please pick out a news article for me?

    It can be anything in the following areas: taxes, spending, budget issues, laws or regulations, political decisions and debate.

    I'm too lazy to look for one :\

    1 AnswerMedia & Journalism9 years ago
  • How much trouble can I get this b*tch in?

    I had to go to court and my friend called me when I was on my way there this morning and said that she would take my puppy to her house to watch it. I told her that the puppy would be fine in the house and not to. She went by and took the puppy anyway. She left it in her front yard, unattended, and it ran off. She went looking for it and found that it had been run over and killed by a car. I'm so extremely upset and I'm definitely going to the law with this.

    6 AnswersLaw & Ethics9 years ago
  • Does weed make you lazier?

    My mom decided to search around my room and she found my bong and now she's telling me that I have to stop because it makes people lazier.

    In school I basically had a C in everything because I don't care enough to get straight-As.

    I don't believe that it makes you lazier. I think that if I wanted to I could have an A in everything because I took AP English and I got an A in that. I just don't like putting myself through all kinds of stress.

    1 AnswerOther - Health9 years ago
  • Where can I find a ceiling wallpaper like this?

    I found this picture on Facebook and I really like the idea of having a starry kind of wallpaper for my ceiling. I've look everywhere on the internet to find something like this and I just can't :(

    2 AnswersDecorating & Remodeling9 years ago
  • Has facebook changed the world?

    Weeeeell of course it has.

    I'm doing my research paper on how Facebook has brought the world together but my teacher requires SIX sources (print and online books or periodicals, online sources such as web sites, television, or radio programs; visual sources such as images, maps, charts, or graphs; interviews; and so forth) for evaluation and I am at my wits end trying to find sources to evaluate. If someone could PLEASE help me find some of those things, that would be great (:

    2 AnswersFacebook9 years ago
  • What is a great excuse to tell my parents?

    My parents went to San Francisco and a couple friends came over and smoked hookah with me. One of the coals fell on the table and did this:

    What is a fantastic excuse so that I don't get busted and never get left at home alone again? (:

    7 AnswersFriends9 years ago
  • How to fix a burn mark on a wooden table?

    A hookah coal fell on the table and did that. It's a little deep and I really need to fix it.

    3 AnswersDo It Yourself (DIY)9 years ago
  • How to fix a burn mark on a wooden table?

    A hookah coal fell on the table and did that. It's a little deep and I really need to fix it.

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs9 years ago
  • What were some important experiments that gave psychologists new info about the brain stem?

    I'm asked this question for my presentation in AP Psychology and I'm having a really hard time finding answers to this. Please help! (:

    1 AnswerPsychology10 years ago
  • What literary device could this be?

    I'm working on my AP English essay (FML) and I was wondering if this could be considered a hyperbole: "you'll encounter a road so lonely, treeless, and devoid of rises and curves in places that it will feel like one long-held pedal steer guitar note."

    4 AnswersHomework Help10 years ago
  • Acidentally installed server RAM into desktop. Now there is no display.?

    I am about to go down to the people who sold me this houndini server ram and punch them right in the f*ckin neck. The website didn't tell me that it was server RAM, sold me this **** and now my desktop doesn't display anything, even with the old RAM. Please tell me that my motherboard is okay :( I have never been more infuriated about anything, ever.

    1 AnswerDesktops1 decade ago
  • My mom refuses to let me stretch my ears. How can I convince her?

    Let me start off by saying that giving your negative opinions does not answer my question, and such questions will be reported.

    I only want to stretch them to 3mm, which is tiny, AND IF I WISH FOR MY EARS TO RETURN TO NORMAL, THEY *WILL* DO SO. She said that I could stretch my ears before, and then when we went to buy the tapers, and she said that she hates the way they look. I'm 15, and I want to do it now so I at least have a chance to before I turn 18, when I'm going to need to get a job where apparent body modification is unacceptable.

    5 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • How do remove this CPU fan?

    I'm dealing with an old mobo from 2001, and the fan is on there kind of strange. It's held down to the motherboard with a metal bar, and I have no idea how to take it off.

    3 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago
  • What are some advantages to an independent studies program?

    Independent studies is like homeschooling in a way. Students are given work to complete at home.

    2 AnswersOther - Education1 decade ago
  • Upsetting Motherboard Difficulties. Please help?

    I built a low-spec machine today just for fun, but now I'm getting really frustrated. For some reason, after I had switched on the power supply, the whole machine turned on without me pressing the front panel power switch, everything worked fine, and I got Windows 2000 set up. I then turned the computer off to get drivers for the mobo. I got the drivers, and then switched on the power supply to start the machine, and then it wouldn't start up, so I switched it on with the front panel button. Then it wouldn't give me any video, and it just beeped twice, then continued to BIOS, then beeped twice and continued this cycle. I switched power supplies, and that didn't work. I took the power away from the CD Rom drive, and then it stopped beeping, but still wouldn't give me any video.

    Does anyone have a solution or should I just give Intel a call?

    2 AnswersDesktops1 decade ago