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My mom refuses to let me stretch my ears. How can I convince her?

Let me start off by saying that giving your negative opinions does not answer my question, and such questions will be reported.

I only want to stretch them to 3mm, which is tiny, AND IF I WISH FOR MY EARS TO RETURN TO NORMAL, THEY *WILL* DO SO. She said that I could stretch my ears before, and then when we went to buy the tapers, and she said that she hates the way they look. I'm 15, and I want to do it now so I at least have a chance to before I turn 18, when I'm going to need to get a job where apparent body modification is unacceptable.


What if I don't care about what's in style? Did you consider that?

Update 2:

Stretching them isn't a "bother", btw.

Update 3:

Why did her answer get deleted but not the others? Wierd.

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My mom was completely against me stretching my ears too, but I did it anyway..

    I would just tell her everything you told us: that they can go back to normal, you will not go too big, etc. Reason with her a little bit and try to convince her that it is not that bad. Show her a picture of the size you want. Let her know that at 3mm your ear will definitely heal back to normal if you took them out. Promise her that you will take good care of them. Bribing helps too :) Try to make a compromise. Every parent is different, she might not let you get them but trying never hurts. I hope it goes well :D

    btw I think you would look nice with gauges.

  • 1 decade ago

    Tell her what you told us that you can always get them put back to normal if you change your mind. But if what you say doesn't change her mind then oh well..she does Still have authority over you your not quite eighteen yet so. Plus you can always try again next year! :D Try making a deal with her or something negotiation.

    Best Of Luck!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    seriously its not that big of a deal, stretching will be out of style in a year anyway why bother stretching them?

  • 1 decade ago

    go behind her back n do it..btw why do u want to do this?

  • 1 decade ago

    just do it.

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