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How long does a tivo box last?

I am planning to buy a tivo hd dvr, and just pay monthly for it. I would like to know how long will the box last. In other words whats the life range on it. And one more question? If i am paying monthly for it do they charge my credit card? ANd is there a way that they can send me a paper bill in the mail insead of charging my credit card? Thanks

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi mnb,

    Well I have one TiVo that is five years old and one just over a year old. They are both working fine. If one did die early you can always get it repaired.

    I have one lifetime so I get no bill for it. The other they charge my credit card directly. I will be honest I don't know if they will bill you or not.

    To learn all about TiVo check their web site here -

    Check the TiVo user forum here -

    The TiVo Community Store often has good bargains for TiVo’s or accessories. Check them for current pricing along with your local Best Buy -

    You need either a phone line or Internet connection for TiVo to download software updates and program information.


  • 1 decade ago


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