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Tivo hd, HD Channels?

Im getting a Tivo HD Very soon. I currentlu have digital cable so im going to switch to basic cable and get cable cards. I want to know what do i need to buy to get hd channels. I heard about hd attena reciever from over the air. My cable company offers this, but i dont want to lease it. Can someone give me a link where i can purchase one for a good price, and also will this over the air hd channel stuff work in febuary 2009? i do have a hdtv but have no idea about the hd channels if someone can please explain it all to me. thanks

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Tivo HD receiver will only pick up HD signals from your cable if it has the correct card in it and you pay extra for the service from your cable company. If not, you would only be able to pick up the cable stations as regular not HD. As to over the air, any Radio Shack etc. will sell you an antenna for outside, they look like a UHF antenna. You can also just use an inside antenna but you need to be very close to the stations for it to work. If you are more than 50 miles from a transmitter, you'll have problems. If you have a HD TV and an HD Tivo, just pay the cable company to hook it up for you the right way.

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