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Reinstalling windows?

I have a windows XP cd, but i want to reinstall my friends computer with it. Can i put in the disc on my friends computer and use his product key thats on his computer? I just want to know if it will work work when the disc asks me to type the product key and if i type his product key the one that his computer is licensed to if it would work? he has the same xp version thats on the disc. Thank you

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer


    You mentioned that your friend has the same version of XP that you do. To verify this, carefully compare the Windows label displaying the key on his Computer Case with yours.

    If they match, then YES! His product key will work with your CD without any issues.

    Good Luck,

    Saad S

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not sure, if he is using windows xp it should work but, I would try a system restore from safe mode first. If it doesn't work you can spend a few hours on the Microsoft hotline with them and see if they will give you a new key.

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