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left testical pain and swelling help??????

Saturday my friend gave me a ball tapper it hurt, went away after couple minutes, sunday i was fine, monday i get him back but it wasnt good then my friend trys to get me but i block it, after i block it, i start feeling pain on the left side of my testicle, tuesday was same feeling just little pain, wensday it went away and thursday the small feeling came back, today (friday) it bothered me so much it hurt like crazy, i inspected it and noticed it swelling, and different colors:[ is there anyway i can treat this plz help i dont want to go to the emergency room, its hard to tell my mom this kind of stuff, and if i have to go can i go tomarrow morning and still be fine thanks

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You don't have to go to the expense of an emergency room. They have 24 hour urgent care centers everywhere (look in the yellow pages) and they cost about $60 per visit. Not too bad. Also, you can call and make sure that the doctor on duty is a male. I really suggest you go right away! Please, don't delay!

  • 5 years ago

    Definitely take him to ER/A+E. It could be anything and since it has got worse it could be serious. It may be testicular torsion (twisted testicle). I had it when i was 8 and i had all the same symptoms as your son, however, i did not not get leg pain. I had to have an operation to sort it out, but it was nothing serious at the end of the day. I wouldn't leave it for much longer as it could get worse, take him to the hospital.

  • 1 decade ago

    put ice on that dude. that's kinda funny sorry

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