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Why would my stomach stop hurting as soon as i get home ?

During lockdown I’ve not left the house much, but today some restrictions were lifted so i spent the day at my sisters house, during the second half of the day my stomach started hurting and slowly got worse and worse until it was almost unbearable and she had to drive me home, the minute i stepped in my house my stomach pain went away and i didn’t go to the toilet or anything, why would this happen? 


😂 i don’t have anxiety and my diet is very healthy 

3 Answers

  • 3 weeks ago
    Favorite Answer

    It’s honestly just coincidence! Happens to me sometimes too 

  • Anonymous
    3 weeks ago

    I think Andy may have misread the question lol but i agree with the other commenter that it’s just a coincidence 

  • Andy C
    Lv 7
    3 weeks ago

    Anxiety has many effects when not properly managed.   I would suggest seeing a therapist to teach you how to best cope with your reality. 

    Actually,  my best advice is to stop eating a diet that's killing you and Actually causing most if not all of the anxiety,  but you are addicted to the fructose in added sugars and white flour products,  so we both know that's not happening!

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