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mnb477 asked in PetsCats · 1 decade ago

I lost my cat :[ and have a few questions?

My cat started acting strange a week ago, he would hide, and stop eating. Next day his stomache got huge. i took him to vet and they drained it, and gave me tablets. We took him home after a day, and hes weak, barely moves, doesnt eat, drinks a little, and avoids people. Vet said he trys to hide somewhere away from people so he can die alone, he was very weak and barely can move. We took him to vet and thet said hes dying. they didnt know exactly what was wrong, but chances were liver diseas, chance of Fip, and other deadly things. His stomache comes back big, and vet said we have to put him to sleep. I refused to so i took him home. Vet said hes in no pain yet and hes not suffering either. When i took him home, it makes me sad looking at him trying to sleep and he doesnt close his eyes, and how weak he was. One hour later i make a descision and take hom to the vet to put him down. Did i do it to early? Was it a good decison? and was there a possible cure? Thanks im still very sad :(


Thanks you so much everyone for the quick answers. My cat was 8 years old he was very smart and i miss him alot. Last year the same month my cat had fiv, and cancer and i didnt put him down, and watched him slowly suffer, it was very hard i just didnt want to let him go, but i learned how much pain he was in and made sure the same thing doesnt happen to this cat. My cat that died last year i put him down to late when he was probly on his last day suffering, he was only 3, was to young. I guess i did the right thing this time and having me suffer from all this loss, i plan not to get another kitty yet, i need couple of years to get over this, because this cat meant alot to me it feels so different without him, and i just cant be home alone anymore its very sad :[ Thanks again to everyone and im sorry to hear about your losses also its a verrrry hard thing to go through

12 Answers

  • Mmmhmm
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No.. There wasn't any other option and I'm glad you put your cat down before he was in pain, Many owners selfishly keep from putting their dying animals down because they want their animals with them a few more days, You made a good decision.

  • Dee
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    It's hard. Been there many times. If a cat is in pain and there is nothing else you can do, it's so much better to put them down. My 3 yr old cat I did not do that, and I regret it. He died last yr of a brain tumor and he died home in my arms, but I know he was in pain way before that. It will take time to get over it, but it's natural. Sorry for your loss..It was the right thing to do!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am really sorry about the loss of your cat putting them to sleep is so hard but it sounded like your cat did not have any quality of life left. My 17 year old Homer's stomach blew up and it was an intestinal tumar and he had the same symtoms as your cat. I know you feel guilt but you did what was right not allowing your cat to go on like that it takes alot of love to do what you did.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I recently just put my golden retriever down. He had a type of heart failure, and we had to drain the area around his lungs four times before the vet told us to put him down. he was alot like you cat, the last days. it was near christmas and we have pictures of him lying under the tree, inable to sleep, which was distressing because we knew he wanted to. He tried so hard to sleep, walk around, and play with us, but he just couldn't. The next day, the day after christmas, we took him in and put him down. It was so hard to leave Buddy there, but It was also somewhat relieveing. He had been in so much distress, and to see him lying there, finally peacful; I cannot describe what it was like. Your cat sounded old, and I know its hard to come home with him/her not being there. I Whenever you feel ready, you can buy a new cat, but I inspire you to hang a picture of your old cat in your home somewhere. You made the right desicion, and Im glad you did.

    Source(s): Dog lover and owner for 13 years-I love cats too. Id have one if my brother wasnt allergic!
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  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    call you your community ASPCA region or call up an area animal safeguard. they ought to have the equipment to test a microchip. Feed the cat in basic terms a sprint at a time (continuously pass away clean water out for the cat) so it does not consume too lots at as quickly as. i might provide it to the community animal safeguard or ask them the place to take the cat. i might advise shooting of the cat and positioned up them on CL under PETS and positioned up the place you chanced on the cat. additionally post some flyers with a image of the cat downtown (ask shops in case you could pass away the flyer there)

  • 1 decade ago

    i feel for you i lost my cat today *tear tear* that cat probally meant alot to you and you'll never forget about it but you did the right's in a better place now....they may have been a cure but if you had waited that cat may have gone through alot of pain and died slowly and very hurtfully and btw it's okay the cat probablly loved you and is thanking you for letting it would have gone through alot of pain....even though u miss it,it is happier now,it can run and play in heaven and it will be waiting for you

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes you did do the right thing dont make the cat suffer anymore!

  • 1 decade ago

    Im sorry =[

    i think it was the right decision

    and im unsure if there was a cure but the vet has the best choice.

    just cheer up remember hes in a better

    place right now =]

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you did the right thing... always sad to lose a friend, but I think it was his time to go. Remember the happy times you had with him and know that it will get easier to deal with as each day passes... i feel for ya!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You did the right your cat is out of pain...I'm sorry for your loss....

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