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  • How do you get rid of blackheads on your skin?

    My skin is okay except for them, and I have a lot of big noticable ones, they are so bad they obstruct my makeup and keep me from wearin' it. I'm pretty desperate right now, List of things I've tried? Why, yes!

    1. Blackhead clearing pads

    2. Blackhead extractor (Just peels my skin and bruises it.)

    3. Blackhead scrubs

    4. Steaming my face

    :( Any suggestions?

    7 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • What can I do about dark circles under my eyes?

    I know it is because I don't sleep. But I can't possibly get more sleep. My schedule is too 'wack'. But I would however like for it to LOOK like I sleep. Because, right now I pretty much look like an orphan... If you get my analogy. What can I do about it?

    3 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • I look like I'm 12 or so, what can I do?

    All my life I've looked younger. Maybe not all my life.. But a good part of it, y'know? I'm 16 now and it's really bitin' me! I want to look pretty and older like all the other girls. What can I do to look older.. It isn't fair. It's to the point where people are like underestimating me and what I can do. I'm completely capable. And mature. I just cannot look it. Any ideas on what is going on?

    13 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • It feels like there is something moving in my foot?

    It feels like something is moving in my feet.. I don't know what it is! And it freaks me out, I have to put on really tight socks at night or I can't get to sleep because it feels so weird! I usually only notice it at night and it's just getting worse. It's like there is something alive inside my foot basically, but I can't think of what it would be!

    1 AnswerOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How do I keep my dog from -?

    I have a Doberman that I got about a month ago, I have no idea how old he is. But, he has previously showed signs of aggression if you touch his food or even him when he eats. I have two young nephews that wouldn't know any better than to touch it, one of my nephews has even fed him from his hand. And I'm terrified that Ivan (the dog) might bite them. I have no idea why he would have this aggression! I've never taken any food from him and he's never had any competition for it that I know of.

    Dog's background info.

    Got him about a month ago from a friend who had him dumped on the side of the road near her house. Had a limp on one of his legs

    Not very docile towards other pets

    No concrete age knowledge

    Loves people and tackling and licking my oldest nephew.

    4 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Unsafe fluoride levels in dog food?

    I just got a Doberman puppy, and I want to give him the best start on life possible. And I've heard that a lot of dog foods have an unsafe amount of fluoride in them. I'd rather not get those foods and just brush his teeth on my own. Would an organic food not have that in there? I get an organic cat food for my tabby and he really likes it.

    3 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • How do I keep my dog out of the basement/garage?

    He tore up my Dad's jumper cables and a bunch of other stuff. And I HAVE to keep him out of there! We can shut the door, but we can't keep it closed all the time. My papa's workshop is in there and he needs the door opened sometimes. And I know if we can't keep the dog out of trouble my parents will make me put him on a dog run. :( Which means he won't be close to the house and where I can see him all the time.

    9 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • I need an invisible fence, but?

    My dog, a doberman mix has a problem, he gets into stuff he doesn't need too. And I'd really like to keep him contained. And I don't have a fence. But, I've heard these invisible fence things are pretty awesome, but the cost is a little... up there? I need one that is good for less than $100.. Is this feasible?

    13 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Could my dog get rabies?

    There's a rabid raccoon running around, and it's been coming around the house as of late, and I just got a mutt puppy, that I am severely worried about, he's getting rabies shots tomorrow, but what if he already has it? He shouldn't.. I don't think it's attacked him. But I've also got a tom cat that wanders around, and I don't want him to get it. Is there anything I can do to prevent them from getting it, and what do I do if they have it already?

    5 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • So I have a new puppy? ^.^ Help me out?

    I came home yesterday not expecting a thing, and it turns out my dad found me a puppy! (finally)

    Good things, quiet except when guarding, sweet, non destructive and playful

    Bad things, he chews on people..

    Yeah, I love this dog to pieces already, but whenever I sit down with him he chews on my hands.. and it hurts! I know it's only because he's teething, but how do I know this won't induce him to tear stuff up? I'm going into town later to get some stuff for him, can you think of anything to help?

    (he's a mix that someone dumped at a friends house, we think they just chucked him out as he had a limp when we got him.. But he's the sweetest thing except for his little flaw)

    And I plan to get him fixed and given shots ASAP.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • What is the absolute best foundation you have ever used?

    My skin.. it's like awful, I don't know how to tell what type of skin it is, and it's driving me crazy that I can't get my foundation to look like.. normal. I don't know if I should use something to prepare my skin or what, but I just need help...

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • Would cream cheese frosting taste good with a pound cake?

    I simply love cream cheese frosting, but there is this pan that only works with pound cake and I really want to use it. Would it taste good together?

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • Why isn't my cat getting pregnant?

    Don't take this badly, I don't want her to get pregnant.. I'm just curious to why she isn't.

    You see, I have a VERY male tomcat named Oliver, I've noticed him 'harassing' the girl cat, Muffin quite frequently. And it's beyond me why she never seems to come into heat or get pregnant.. Weird phenomena.. Any way, can you tell me what's up?

    3 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • My cat sleeps all over the place and my dad is getting upset?

    I have a Norwegian Forest Cat (long haired) that lives in the basement, we have things pretty well organized now, but my cat.. I don't know what her problem is, you never can find her because she sleeps in the same spot only 2 or 3 times. And, the thing that makes my dad mad is, since she sleeps everywhere (and is a fanatical groomer) she leaves clumps of fluffy grey hair all over the place, which wouldn't be a big deal if she stayed in one place. But, as stated before, she doesn't. Another thing, this has been an issue before since we sometimes leave for days and my older brother stays here, a couple months ago we left to go see some relatives, and left my older brother in charge of the cats, he sleeps in a room we made for him in the basement so he's constantly going up and down the stairs, so apparently the cat ran up the stairs one of these times and got in my room. (My brother might have scared her as she is extremely timid.) My door wasn't shut, but she gets these fits where she gets so scared she won't leave somewhere for a very long time until I come get her. Which was the case, so my cat was in a corner for two days without anything to eat. And I never would have found her if it hadn't been for my other cat knocking the fish food can off the aquarium stand near the corner. :( And it really worries me that she hides around.

    But for more examples, today I had her in my room (the only place she can truly relax it seems,) and she was sleeping in there, I go in there once, she's on my bed, the next time, she's under it, the next time she's behind the curtains on the window sill, the last time I went in there (a few minutes ago) she was sleeping on some organizing containers under my sewing desk, and yesterday she was sleeping INSIDE one of those cloth organizers and it took me forever to find her! (she also leaves clumps of fur all over my room)

    So, what can I do to get her to sleep in one place?

    7 AnswersCats1 decade ago
  • Could I put a diesel engine in a '56 English Anglia?

    There is a super trashed out one that I figure I can get pretty cheap.. I mean, this car is seriously screwed up. The hoods are just about rusted through, the inside... Needs work to say the least.. And It's all in all in need of a repaint, bodywork.. and all kinds of crazy stuff. I'm not sure I could make it worth my while, but could I put a diesel engine in it? It's a pretty small car.. And I don't know if it would affect it or not. I'm just thinkin' it would be sweet to ride around in a diesel anglia..

    5 AnswersOther - Car Makes1 decade ago
  • Christians: I'm kinda freaked out about the rapture happening sometime soon?

    I know it's gonna be awesome to be with Jesus, but the whole idea just freaks me out.. I hate reading revelation because of all the weird stuff in it! I mean.. I kinda want to live a long time and have kids and a husband and minister to people. Does the rapture freak you out?! I mean.. It scares me to death!

    Atheists: You know this is for Christians to answer, so why are you reading this?

    17 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • Why are you guys so hateful to Christians?

    I mean, we aren't that mean to you. I know we are going to get beat up about our faith, but why can't you just acknowledge that we have our own faith and we can share it as we wish. Just as you can. I mean, there are some jerk Christians who think harassing people wins them to Christ or something but we aren't all like that! (I sometimes am curious whether jerk "Christians" actually care about people or just want "God points".) Does it really cramp your style that we care about you and what happens to you after you die? I mean.. Why does it freak you out that we are concerned about people? Instead of constantly bashing them for what they believe and calling them names?

    I take note that some Christians are overzealous and bash people because they are complete morons. (that Jesus loves) and completely make Christianity look awful.

    Please be considerate and respectful of each other,

    26 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • GUYS: Would the fact that I hang around a lot of guys all the time scare off any potentials?

    I just have a lot of guy friends that I'm not interested in, and I'm curious if that would tend to keep other guys away? I mean.. Should I hang out with more girls or what? Do you think if you asked a girl out that hung out with a lot of other guys that the guys would get.. defensive or something?

    Try to make sense of this!

    Thanks in advance!

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is the best way to apply liquid foundation?

    I'm not really sure how to use it since I haven't used it before.. Any ideas?

    7 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • How can I keep my rabbit's water bottles from freezing?

    I keep my 4 dutch rabbits outside and their water bottles keep freezing.. I hate having to go out every morning bring the water in to thaw then trek back out to the shed in 9 degree weather to get their water to them! How can I keep this from happening?

    9 AnswersOther - Pets1 decade ago