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Is pandora batterys legal on ebay?

I recently posted a pandora battery on ebay. It was canceled and i was alerted with a copyright notice. I then reposted 2 more, and this time both of them made it. I got payed. A day later ebay cancels the bids again for the same reason. I want to know if pandora batterys are legal, if not why? I didnt add anything to the memory stick which is illegal, and i know hacking its legal, so why would they deleate me items. Also since i got payed, and requested my check through paypal, would i recieve the money?

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    what is a pandora battery?

  • 1 decade ago

    Pandora batteries are totally legal. It is the "Magic Memory Stick" that is illegal to distribute, due to the fact it contains Sony Copy-righted material.

    Bummer because Pandora is completely useless without the Magic Memory stick. If you got knicked for just the Pandora battery and not the Memory stick, you should take this up with Ebay...

    Okay so you did... well if this makes you feel better, DATEL is doing the exact same thing you are.

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