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Should I stay with my boyfriend?

I have been dating my current boyfriend for a few months now. I've had a few serious boyfriends in the past, but this guy is different. He opens the doors for me, has never disrespected me in any manner. He pays for me every time we go out, and is just an AMAZING guy all around.

The only problem is that he is being sent to California soon. His little brother messed up in school and got expelled, and his aunt and uncle (who he lives with) have had enough. He hasn't finished high school yet (only half a year left!), and he doesn't turn 18 for awhile. He says that he'll return once he finishes high school out in California, and his aunt and uncle are okay with that. I know that I have no worries about him being unfaithful. But should I commit to a 3,000-mile long-distance relationship until this June?

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Honey, this guy does seem AMAZING but this long distance thing might actually be very good for your relationship. This could be a test, if it works out than you guys are really meant to be. It's not like he is going away forever.

    If you don't have to worry about him being unfaithful than what are you afraid of. Give it a chance it seems like he is really into. Most guys hate long distance relationships and wouldn't even do it for Beyonce.

    Anyways I say do it. You can always break it off if it doesn't feel right than resume the relationship when he comes back. It's all up to you. How important is he to you??

  • 1 decade ago

    You should really try your best to. This guy really seems to care about you enough to come back. Just have his aunt and uncle watch out for him. If he goes somewhere that he should not be going to, have them tell you and you can tell him off in a letter.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    well that is a hard decision, but, you are questioning your relationship, which is never a good sign.

    However, if you really like him, half a year is nothing to wait if you think it could really last.

    Talk to him about it, tell him your having doubts.

    but if you really don't want to wait for him, break up now, and attempt to pick things back up when he returns. tell him you'll be waiting.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    if he promises and you are going with your instincts that he wont chat on you

    then stay with him

    who knows when yu wil find an amazing guy like him

    until june, its only a opuple of months, but think about the years you could share together after that if you are stil faithful and so is he!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My ex-boyfriend lived in Australia for 8 months and to be honest, although it was hard, it wasnt as difficult as i ex[pected! I missed him a lot but I got to go out there and visit him which was wicked!

    If you can, you should try and stay with him, its betetr to try and it not work then break up and always wonder eh?

  • Pravda
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Why not -- what's the risk? If problems arise, at your age you can always "uncommit". Sounds like you got yourself a "prize" -- better butter up his aunt and uncle so that they keep him on a short chain.

  • 1 decade ago

    Are you kidding me!! Keep him!! dont let him go. I would do ANYTHING for a guy like that! Just be sure to keep in touch with him. but don't get to annoying. haha I hope everything works!! ^ _ ^

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    wow you should stay with him because it sounds like he wouldn't be able to lie to you and he sounds pretty committed just talk to him alot text him email spring break maybe visit him unless he comes up to visit you

    good luck

    hope i helped

    Source(s): meee
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is pretty tough but there's no way that 3000mile long distance relationship will work.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That seems like a tough situation... I needed help last year. So what I did was I went on AIM and added the following screenname:


    They helped me and they will help u

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