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I like music. I love my boyfriend. I have the best friends. I like tattoos and piercings. I work overnight shifts 7pm-7am. I'm a pretty happy girl.

  • Why can't I orgasm? Help!?

    My boyfriend and I are very sexual with one another, and I love it.

    Before him, I've never really enjoyed sex, always thought it was sort of 'blah'.

    My problem is I can't orgasm. I've come really really close with my boyfriend right now (mostly only when he's rubbing my cl*t). Like, to the point where I'm convulsing on his bed. But I just can't seem to ***, which is always disappointing. I feel like I'm really close, and then nothing happens.

    How do I make myself ***? I'm always relaxed while fooling around, and I'm not self-concious or anything. Please help!

    2 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • Is he controlling or caring? Please help!?

    I am 18 years old and my boyfriend is 26.

    It's a decent sized age gap, but are incredibly compatible, and I consider myself mature for my age.

    I've been seeing him since the beginning of July, and we've been 'official' for a month and a half or so.

    I really do love him, but lately I'm questioning if his actionss are more controlling or caring?

    His last girlfriend constantly cheated on him and lied to him. She was pretty much in a relationship with another guy for the last month they dated. Naturally, he now has some walls up.

    For the record, I've never cheated on him, or even thought of it, but I will admit for the first part of our relationship I was pretty flirty with other guys. It never went over the line, but there was one guy I talked to who asked me to go over his house and sleep over. I never did, but I lied about it to my boyfriend, and when he found out, he freaked.

    Then the night we started being 'official' I got an IM from an old fling, who made a sexual comment towards me. I asked him to stop and he did. I told my boyfriend that at the end of the convo I told the ex-fling that I couldn't talk to him anymore as I had a boyfriend, when in reality I was just going to ignore him if he IM'd me anymore. My boyfriend found out again and freaked, almost ended it. He started calling me a ***** and a liar (which wasn't too far off at the moment) but then called me a whore and a slut, thinking I cheated on him. We made up, things were going well....

    Until a few nights ago, I had forgotten something I had said a few months ago, and said something contrary to what I actually said and he took it as a lie...and once again freaks and now assumes I've cheated on him.

    Is he controlling or caring? Please help1

    3 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago
  • Unbiased relationship opinion please?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for almost 4 months now. He lost his virginity to me, and we're really close. He gave me a necklace that's been passed down through his family for years now...and he told me it's for the woman he loves most.

    I know I love him...but the past week or so, I've felt like he's more of a friend.

    I don't want to kiss or have sex anymore...just cuddle and hang out with friends.

    I think it could be a phase, and I don't want to break up with him over a phase, because I will break his heart.

    What to do what to do?

    Wait it out or end it?

    Opinions please?

    (No sarcasm or jackasses please)

    9 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Story about a red bird and a boy who can not walk?

    I have been wracking my brain all day about a story I read a few years back. It wasn't exceptionally long, but I remember there was a boy who used to go on adventures through the woods, and then one day was unable to walk. He eventually gained his walking back, however. There was also something about a red bird in a tree in his front yard. And the weird thing about the bird is that it was not from around his was from somewhere far way and had been lost.

    The red bird pertained to his inability to walk...

    HELP! I need the name of this please!

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Getting ear gauged right off the bat?

    Is it possible to have your ears gauged (at a smaller size) through piercing, rather than getting the typical piercing and slowly stretching. For instance, could I walk into a tattoo/piercing shop and say, I want my ears pierced at a size 18 or 16?

    1 AnswerFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • Inexpensive vintage clothing?

    Does anyone have any ideas where I can go for indie-type vintage clothing? I've been looking online, but I always run into stuff that's like pin-up girl apparel. Any ideas anyone?

    5 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • Steps to take a year off before college?

    I want to take a year off before I go to college in order to make a bit of extra money in order to pay for college and college-related expenses. It may not necessarily be the best step, but it's the only option I want to take. What exactly do I have to do? Do I apply to colleges next year (I'll be a senior in high school) and apply for the 2011 Fall Semester, or do I wait until the year after I graduate to apply? Are there any additional fees for applying two years ahead of time? Can I even do that? Any info would be much appreciated, thanks!

  • Are short dresses acceptable for prom?

    I've been searching around and I have been noticing an increasing number of knee length prom dresses. I've even found a lot of them that I like and would possibly buy. Are these types of dresses, acceptable for prom, or should it still be the typical floor length dress?

    6 AnswersEtiquette1 decade ago
  • Should religion be involved in the government?

    When a candidate is running for governer, mayor, or president, should they take a positive stand on their religion? In the 2008 presidential election, abortion was a subject frequently brought up. Many anti-abortionists were so because of their religious views. So, when a person is running for a government position, do you believe that their religious views should be involved, or should it be seperation of church and state?

    10 AnswersOther - Politics & Government1 decade ago
  • What should I look for in a prom dress?

    There are so many styles of prom dresses, and I have NO idea which one is right for me. I'm 5'6" and weigh about 130lbs. I only wear a 36B, and I'm a tiny bit more bottom heavy (I have a rather large butt). I have a decently small waste, and I don't have any big problem areas. I know that I'm going for a bit of a pin up look (curls pinned on one side, red lipstick, long eyelashes) for prom, but I don't know how to connect this to my prom dress. I don't want the traditional ball gown with lots of volume on bottom, I want something more elegant and chic. Help! What styles should I look for?

    3 AnswersFashion & Accessories1 decade ago
  • How do I make job out of singing?

    I'm only 17 years old, but recently my singing has really improved, and I would like to possibly make a job out of it. I was thinking of starting a band with some friends of mine and book gigs, but I think that would be a money suck. Does anyone know of any lounges in the Worcester, MA area that would hire me to sing on the weekends? I love singing, it's a big passion of mine. Any help?

    1 AnswerSinging1 decade ago
  • Which part should I try out for?

    My school is going to be putting on Guys and Dolls as a musical next year. I want to start practicing for auditions now, but I don't know whether to try out for Sarah Brown or Miss Adelaide. Sarah has a deeper part, but Miss Adelaide gets cooler songs and the MUCH better costumes.

    My music teacher apparently also told another girl that she already has the part of Sarah Brown. Should I even try for it, even if it IS the better part, and risk not getting a part at all?

    2 AnswersSinging1 decade ago
  • What should I do? Boyfriend or friend?

    Tonight my friend Tim is having a party, and he invited me, and told me that I could bring my new boyfriend. He just called me a few minutes ago and told me that I can't bring the new boyfriend because his friend Pat doesn't like him and refuses to go if he's there. Naturally, he said I can't bring the boyfriend because Pat's his best friend and wants him there. What do I do? Tim is my best friend, but I feel bad lying to my boyfriend and going without him. Do I stay home from the party and go hang out with my boyfriend? Help!

    3 AnswersFriends1 decade ago
  • How much do these tattoos hurt?

    I'm turning 18 in a few weeks and to celebrate I want to get a tattoo. I've already picked out a clean, safe place that all of my friends trust. There's only one problem: I'm not sure which tattoo I want to get.

    My options are:

    1) A "3" on my right hip and a "7" on my left.

    2) A star on my left wrist bone and a heart on the right.

    3) "Irrational" in my lower lip.

    Which one of these will hurt the most? Which one will cost the most? Thanks for any advice.

    7 AnswersTattoos1 decade ago
  • How much do these piercings cost?

    I would just like to know how much the following piercings cost, and how much it will hurt to get them. Thanks much!

    1)Snake bites

    2) Industrial piercing

    3) Both lobes pierced

    4) Navel piercing

    5) Nose piercing

    6) Conch piercing

    Once again thanks!

    4 AnswersOther - Skin & Body1 decade ago
  • sexual help please!!!?

    My boyfriend and I have been together for awhile now. We have a lot of sex and are really sexual when we're alone. He really likes sex, and is constantly on top of me for it. This I don't mind at all, but my problem comes with the sex.

    He was a virgin and I'm the first girl he's ever really messed around with. Whenever we have sex or I give him oral he tells me that he really enjoys it, but he never c*ms. He tells me that he's really nervous because I'm his first. Is this rare? Am I doing something wrong? I've never had this problem before, and I'm just worried that maybe I rushed into things with him?

    16 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • For all of you sexy smokers out there...?

    So I felt pretty dumb a few weeks ago...I've been smoking for awhile and my boyfriend and I were sharing a wacko tobacco butt...if you get my drift.

    He turned it around and put the lit end in his mouth and I'm like...ummm...oh dang...I know I'm supposed to be doing SOMETHING here...but I didn't know what!

    What am I supposed to be doing? Should I just continue smoking it? Am I really dumb, because I feel pretty dumb right now. Please, only serious answers need be posted.

    5 AnswersOther - Society & Culture1 decade ago
  • .......Am I too clingy?.......?

    I've been dating my current boyfriend for a few months now. Recently, I've gotten in a bit of trouble and I'm not allowed to do much (I get to see friends once a week, maybe twice if I'm lucky). Because of this, I devote most of my time to my boyfriend. The only thing is if I have an idea to hang out with him and he ends up making plans with his friends on that day, I get a little jealous. Not really jealous, but when he mentions that he was hanging out with a girl, I get jealous too. I've had unfaithful boyfriends a few times in the past, and I'm just I too clingy? I know he would never cheat on me, I'm his first serious girlfriend. Am I just more clingy than normal?

    1 AnswerOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Should I stay with my boyfriend?

    I have been dating my current boyfriend for a few months now. I've had a few serious boyfriends in the past, but this guy is different. He opens the doors for me, has never disrespected me in any manner. He pays for me every time we go out, and is just an AMAZING guy all around.

    The only problem is that he is being sent to California soon. His little brother messed up in school and got expelled, and his aunt and uncle (who he lives with) have had enough. He hasn't finished high school yet (only half a year left!), and he doesn't turn 18 for awhile. He says that he'll return once he finishes high school out in California, and his aunt and uncle are okay with that. I know that I have no worries about him being unfaithful. But should I commit to a 3,000-mile long-distance relationship until this June?

    16 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • Do I still have feelings for my ex?

    My now ex-boyfriend and I broke up in early march. We continued tell one another that we loved the other and continued to have sex. I made a few mistakes and casually dated a few people afterward, and he's had a girlfriend of 6 months now. I used to get jealous of her and hate her, but not so much anymore. I have a loving boyfriend who treats me so well. My ex and I still talked, but recently we've been growing apart. I know I still care for him, but I'm not sure if it's romantic. I want to maintain contact with him. Do I still have feelings for him?

    6 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago