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Lv 6
fayt84 asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

What is your thought or opinion on George W. Bush not getting impeached?

George W. Bush is the worst president in history. This man and some of the members of Congress who supported his stupid decisions had caused people, to lose their homes, jobs, friends, family, marriages, and lives. Plus, millions of Iraqis got killed because of this man. To add, gas prices went up and we had some food disease outbreaks.

Bush did not win the 2000 Election and he somehow got into office. There is no excuse for this man not getting impeached. He did so much damage to be impeached and he never got impeached. The damage that he caused during the last eight years, I and many people will be talking about it for the rest of our lives. So tell me, what do you think?


I'm an Independent.

31 Answers

  • Bill
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think the good ol boys network is alive and well. ppl keep voting the same ppl in so you deserve what you get. I'm not a liberal and I agree with you 100%. I can't believe some of the answers here. when are ppl going to learn that there is no difference between a republican and a democrat, they are both controlled by the same ppl and those ppl want us dead. most ppl here still believe that 9/11 was done by OBL. when are you ppl going to smarten up. why does it matter what party a President belongs to. if the guy can't do the job I say fire him, just like anyone else.

    Source(s): common sense
  • 5 years ago

    He either has a God-like complex or is a Hitler-wannabe. Cheney is his little right hand imp and anyone else that sings their praises. How can anyone who calls themselves American sit back without a care in the world without questioning their President and have no voice is beyond me. We should have had them out on their ears right after 9/11. If you look at the facts and the constant coverups and scandals inside the White House over who did what on 9/11 is obvious they know who......themselves!! Ask yourself why FBI or whoever the agents were that took surveillance camera footage of the attack on the Pentagon from nearby businesses but won't release to the public how or why it happened should make you think....and they only allowed one camera running at the entrance to the Pentagon with the wrong date on it when the Pentagon is the most secure laden place with cameras and sensors everywhere. It's the Fort Knox of all buildings as far as security levels but they don't let anyone know anything. Ask yourself how can the twin towers explode into dust and free-fall in onto itself straight down to it's footprint from the small fires and the attack above that didn't last very long. Has there ever been any steel/concrete building ever collapse so evenly from fire damage? NO. Besides the wrong building collapsed first. Plus, WTC 7 collapsed the same way. They never disclose this in the 9/11 Comission Report. It was all planned from inside by Bush and Cheney and Rice and all who kiss their you know what's for monetary and political gain. The blackouts in NY and powerdowns of all cameras and bomb sniffing dogs an evacutations of employees in the towers and bldg. 7 before 9/11 gave plenty of access for those hired from within to place detonation devices in the right locations to be monitored and activated from a secure location once everyone was in their places with their stupid game faces on. The President and his imps have taken the lives of many people that day and it hasn't stopped ever since our troops have been gone. It has to stop somewhere, sometime.

  • 1 decade ago

    Do yourself a favor and educate yourself on political, economic, and social cycles.

    George W. Bush has done nothing at all to get impeached.

    It was Bill Clinton that signed the bill in 1999 rolling back Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. When he did that, it allowed banks run amuck with certain investments such as mortgaged back securities, derivatives trades of all kinds, not only in the US but around the world.

    As far as "food disease outbreaks" that been happening since the beginning of time. With world trade being what it is these days, we can expect even bigger problems in the future. And while you didn't mention this, we can probably expect outbreaks again of polio, small pox,TB, etc. because we have so many immigrants that do not speak the english language and do not get proper immunizations for their children.

    Gas prices....during the Jimmy Carter administration we had to contend with supposed shortages of gasoline...waiting in lines for hours on alternating days to even be able to get gasoline. The housing interest rates were very high, in the teens . He even got on TV and asked everyone to curtail Christmas lights for that year. He also had the Iran hostage crisis.

    "Millions of Iraqis got killed because of this man." That is unfortunate however, think of how many muslims would have been killed had Truman been president....Ask the people of Japan.

    Every president has had their share of major problems. Some a lot worse than others. Again this comes with the cycles that I spoke of earlier.

    As far as President Bush being impeached, not only NO but HELL NO!! I wake up every morning and thank God that he was our president after 9/11. I am positive that Gore could not have gotten the US back on it's feet after 9/11.

    If feel like blaming someone ......oh never mind, I'm pretty sure all of this falls on deaf ears and a narrow mind.

  • DAR
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I think none of those are impeachable offenses.

    However, I think his signing statements and unilateral agreements with other countries without confirmation by the Senate despite their obviously being treaties, and his treasury / Fed actions are unconstitional and I think violating his oath to defend the Constitution is an impeachable offense.

    I also think Congress won't bring that impeachment because with the exception of Ron Paul and Kucinich and a handful of others, they went right along with unConstitutional actions.

    But I think if we don't bring it against him, we are letting a president get away with far too much, and it is a dangerous precedent.

    That is what I think.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    it is very sad especially when foreign nations are out there reporting that they believe our own CIA worked with Mossad to do 9-11 This was a former Prime Minister of Italy on this one.

    The United States' official March 17, 2003 invasion of the sovereign state of Iraq cannot be justified by either U.S. or International law. It follows therefore that the United States government should be held liable for all loss of life - whether it be civilian or military; US, British, or Iraqi - and damage to property resulting from this blatant act of aggression.

    "Bush is a rich bully. The US has no legal right to be here. Probably Saddam would have sold chemical weapons to somebody some day and then the US would have been right to invade, but now this is the first free democratic country ever to occupy another without good reason." - - Unnamed Lance Corporal in the Marines. [The Age,

  • Trev
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Impeachment would only get in the way of war crimes and crimes against humanity charges that should be brought against the whole Bush administration. American citizens only learned what their mass media told them. The rest of the planet lived in fear while they stole country after country inflicting at least two genocides on innocent populations.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    one man tried for years to initiate impeachment, Dennis Kucinich. Dennis was a candidate for President this last election cycle but was virtually ignored in favor of pop-culture candidates. so he dusted himself off and continued his fight for impeachment. and he had support; it just wasn't enough, the speaker of the house herself stating categorically that impeachment is off the table. then the same Congressmen and Senators who voted, along with George Bush to basically give a trillion dollars to badly managed corporations distanced themselves from any impeachment talk. WHY? were they somehow complicit? afraid that any such procedings would come back to haunt them? of course. and yet America stands mute!

    it disgusts me to see what has become of my once great nation.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are way off track....Clinton is far worse than Bush.

    And if you would research you would find the democrats are responsible for fannie mae and freddie mac.....Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reid and Barney Frank.....big time losers.

    The Clinton administration was the most corrupt in the history of the Republic.

    He lied to the American people about Monica Lewinsky.

    Lied under oath in the Paula vs Clinton case.

    Lied to congress regarding Lewinsky.

    Made false claims of memory loss.

    Shredded documents.

    Whitewater documents mysteriously disappeared and reappeared.

    Misused FBI files.

    Improperly claimed privileges.

    Abused power.

    Misused federal agencies.

    Politicized the Justice Department, the IRS,the FBI,the BATF,the EPA,the FDA.

    Demonized,smeared and destroyed witnesses

    Racked up campaign finance abuses such as the White House "coffees" and the "no controlling legal authority" Buddhist Temple fundraiser.

    Laundered money

    Took illegal foreign campaign contributions.

    Took Donations from drug dealers,spies and international arms smugglers.

    Allowed serious national security breaches at Loral Space Corporation and Los Alamos where computer hard drives disappeared.

    Bombed Iraq and Kosovo to deflect attention from political problems.

    Obstructed justice in Paula v.Clinton.

    Tampered with witnesses in Paula v. Clinton

    Violated the Privacy act.

    Black mailed people.

    Repeatedly perjured himself.

    Was in contempt of court.

    Indulged in in ridiculous adolescent sexual escapades.

    Had credible accusations of rape brought against him.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dennis Kucinich has had those 35 articles of impeachment available to act upon for a while now. Dems have had control of the congress for 3 years.... nothing. I wonder why

  • 1 decade ago

    Why should he be impeached? You should read the list of the Clinton crimes I have linked below if you think Bush was bad. lol You cannot blame Bush for the economy, he was not President when that began 30 years ago. You cannot blame Bush for the loss of our dollar, that began when Nixon took us off the gold standard. Clinton could have taken care of many things but he was too busy chasing women. Bush has handled the mistakes of other Presidents very well. I think it is stupid, uninformed and unintelligent to blame Bush for your life. Put the blame where it belongs.

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