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Can I have some advise? I think my fiance is going to break up with me...?

He says I'm too independent. I thought that was a good thing. I had a family emergency the other day and didn't tell him until a few days later. I'm just the type of person who needs to deal with things on my own, I hate crying to anyone, especially when i know there is nothing they can do to help. We see each other about three times a week for a few hours. This is because I work days and he works nights, we have different days off, we live separately and have our own children, my daughter being the youngest in second grade. So our schedules conflict but I am satisfied because I know that there is really no other options at this time. We were planning on moving in together this coming month (jan). I'm not so sure anymore. Now he says he just feels like he is a stranger in my life. He says he feels that I don't put an effort into our relationship and he isn't happy. He is upset that I don't come over his house on his day off at night (I tell him I can't because I need to get my daughter to bed & I have no reliable babysitter & don't like to disturb my childs routine). He says I only look for him when I feel like it, and we don't have a relationship. I am so hurt. I feel like I can't express myself to him now because I feel so put down by what he said... I really felt like I give this relationship everything I've got... I think he is going to end things. We've had this talk before but I guess I didn't change, I really feel like I did, I'm not sure what I have to do to change and he won't tell me. He hasn't said anything for months and I thought everything was ok. I feel like I should end it if he doesn't because now I know he is unhappy with me. I don't want to be with someone that I'm never going to be good enough for. Does anyone understand me? Does anyone have any advise? I feel abandoned. :(

11 Answers

  • Mawia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Please understand that your feelings are neither right nor wrong ~ they just are.

    I would recommend that you take a personality type indicator, that will show you what your preferred methods of gathering information are and also how you reach decisions and where you get your energy from. I suspect that there is a bit of a disconnect between you and your sweetie.

    There is also one for couples that is very interesting.

    I wish you well, you are wise to see this as a red flag at this point in your relationship.

  • 1 decade ago

    He did tell you what he wants, and you didn't listen. He gave you several months to change, and you kept right on doing what he asked you not to do. You feel abandoned? Why? You have completely ignored his feelings and done nothing to attempt to make him happy, so why should you feel abandoned, when you are the one who has ignored him. If you want him in your life, make an effort. Get a reliable babysitter. Go spend some time with him. It doesn't have to be every day, but a couple of hours a week would do wonders. And next time you have an emergency that you handle, tell him about it pronto. You have shut him out. I'm amazed he's hung around this long.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Your both right and wrong. You may be independent but every man wants to feel like he's wanted and needed in a relationship. You both keep different schedules and have your own children and households and I'm sure you both have different parenting styles. As a woman, you put your children first and should be applauded for it but do not feel punished for it -- you are doing what you have to do for the sake of your family just like I'm sure he is doing for his.

    He may be right in saying that you don't have a relationship because it may not be the kind of relationship that he wants but works for you. There are many types of relationships out there and sadly this one may not be the kind that works for the two of you. It sounds like he does care about you, wants more of you but you can't/won't make yourself available.

    It sounds like you both care about it each other and have really tried in your own way to make it work but it seems as if either side is going to have to give up something and compromise. If you can't give more and if he can't accept less, then it may be time to move it.

    It doesn't make either of you bad people maybe just bad for each other.

  • 5 years ago

    i'm in that situation right now (7 years down the drain). i'm a guy, but i guess it should be universal for all people who break up, me thinks. anyway, it hurts like hell. what you need to do, is be there. when she cries, let her cry, don't say shush or something. let her let it all out. there's no time frame for healing. when she wants to talk, let her talk her heart out and some more. she needs all the understanding in the world. a really good game of tennis or any other sport would help. nothing beats exhaustion to numb the pain. but if your friend was my fiance, let her rot in hell. sorry. :p

  • 1 decade ago

    It sucks because I broke up with an girlfriend because I was working 7 days a week and only had time at night. We tried to figure things out but it didn't work. It was either breaking up with her or quitting my job. But I believe that there is a solution to this problem I have yet to found it.

    Source(s): *** MILDRED SENT ME***
  • 1 decade ago

    Once you marry you will be under the same roof.....youll have more time together.....and the family emergancy really should have said something husband doesn't tell me anything either and it is hurtfull I feel like i am not important enough to know whats going on in his life

  • TCSO
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    It sounds like a basic difference in communication styles. It happens. I suggest postponing the wedding (if it is soon) and going to premarital counseling.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with TSCO you should get some help for your relationship, but I also believe that he should know that you have an obligation to your children too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're MUCH better off without him, he is a baby and a case of arrested development. Let him go home to mama.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    personally, I think he sounds selfish and insecure. You, on the other hand, sound independent and self-assured. You don't need his immature crap... really... he sounds like he wants to to accomodate his needs and screw yours!!

    Keep on looking, this guy doesnt sound right for you...

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