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what kind of humidor should i get?

i just started smoking cigars and wanted to get a humidor to keep them fresh. i'm in the military and i go to south america a lot so i want to store some on the ship that i buy down there. i also want to keep them fresh and don't know to much about cigars so an help would be nice. thanks.

3 Answers

  • Cister
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hummmm, South America. Take me with you!

    Almost all humidors have three features in common:

    * Spanish Cedar:

    * Humidification Unit:

    * Hydrometer:

    Here is a list with details and price:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You're on the right track - most people that buy humidors buy them not because they smoke a lot of cigars, but because they DON'T smoke a lot of cigars. The humidor is the best way to keep them fresh.

    I would also try Thompson Cigars or Cigars International and see what they have. A lot of times, they may run a special that includes a humidor. I got one from Thompson that holds 50 cigars and it's just fine for me. I prefer a glass top so you can see the hydrometer - this way you don't have to open it to see if the humidification level is okay.

  • 1 decade ago

    Not sure where the poster that stated that people buy humidors because they don't smoke cigars that often got his info from but its totally incorrect.

    Humidors require a little bit of work in order to season and maintain them. One possibility is to purchase an air/water tight travel humi. Otterbox makes the Cigar Caddy in 5ct, 15 ct and 36 ct sizes. This would be ideal on a ship where ambient humidity may be an issue

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