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  • Is a Yamaha WR250X a good commuter bike?

    I would like to buy my first motorcycle and am looking at the Yamaha WR250X or similar bikes. I live in Hawaii and travel on the highway to work (60 mph speed limit) for about 20 min and then city speeds for about 10 min. I am looking at it for the great mileage that it gets and the fact that I will be a new rider. I have taken the driving class and gotten my motorcycle endorsement. I am a bigger guy at 6'4" 220, think this bike is to small? I was also looking at the BMW F800GS or F650GS but they are pretty pricey and I do not want to drop a nice bike since I am a new driver (its gonna happen as i have been told). Thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersMotorcycles9 years ago
  • can you have 2 stoves in one house with two apartments?

    i'm looking at a place to rent and it doesn't have a stove. the landlord said its cause the top flor, which is a separate apartment, has a stove. and that zoning requirements wont allow him to put one in. any idea if this could be true, or is he just cheap? this place is in Kaneohe, HI.

    4 AnswersRenting & Real Estate10 years ago
  • ford escort running rough at idle?

    my friend has a ford escort (zx2?) and it has been running rough at idle and rougher at idle in gear. heard it might be some kind of vacuum problem, any idea what it is in more detail? they replaced the plugs and wire about 3 years ago i think and it shouldn't be time to replace them yet.

    2 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • silver plating if flaking off?

    i bought a silver plated goblet from a thrift store today and thought i got the best looking one, but on the inside of the cup the silver appears to be flaking off? from what i can find most people think when this happens its some kind of lacquer. but i think its the actual silver, any ideas what it really is and if it can be fixed? not really concerned about using it, just looks cool, especially for 11 bucks.

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • casein or whey protein?

    i like to work out later in the day, usually around 730 to 8. by the time i'm done i clean up and pretty much go to bed. so which should i use after my work out? casein or whey protein? i guess i usually wait about 30 min to an hour before i actually go to bed.

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • how do i fix my ac?.....?

    ok so my 98 blazer's ac dosent work, it hasn't worked for 2 years and we didn't really need it. but now i live in hawaii and want some ac. i turned on the ac and i noticed the pump never came on. so i'm guessing its electrical, i tried checking the relay but since its been a while since auto shop i cant quite remember how to do it, but between contacts 1 and 2 its 85 ohms, i compared it to another one and it was the same. i also swapped the relays with the horn and it worked on the horn circuit. any ideas on what else to check and how to do it?

    3 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • whens the best time for a protien drink?

    i'm gonna start doing p90x and also plan on doing the diet plan with it, it gives some tips on what you can substitute things with a protein drink. but i was wondering when would be the best time to have it, some one suggested using it as a morning shake or having it right after a work out. even as a meal replacement. any help is appreciated.

    1 AnswerDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • where can i get a red saigon pineapple?

    my wife and i went to the dole plantation on oahu and saw a red saigon pineapple. we both thought it would be cool to grow one but cant seem to find any way to buy one to plant the stem or seeds for it. if you have any suggestions it would help. thanks.

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • buying a unlocked phone?

    i have been looking at buying a a unlocked smart phone so i have more options on what i can buy. i currently have att and do not want to switch because my whole family has it so i only need a low min plan. i just need info if anybody has any problems with doing this. or just any inof in general wold be appriciated. thanks.

    4 AnswersCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • how long to smoke tri-tip?

    my parents have a in-direct heat smoker (tregger brand) and they have a 19lb piece of tri-tip they want to smoke, cant find how olg to smoke it. if any body has some tips will be helpful.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • do i have to pay for the whole years gas bill?

    i just moved out of my apartment. it was in a house and the bills where all split up mostly evenly. the gas bill is in one of the other tenants name. during our stay there we would ask for thats months bill and she would always say its taken care of. now that we moved out she wants us to pay for the bill, not just the last months that we where there but the whole years worth. i feel that we legaly do not need to pay for it but i want to make sure. i dont know if being in the coast guard helps at all due to the soldiers and sailers act, but i'm in the coast guard. thanks for the help.

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • how does the military pay chart work?

    i'm an e-3 with 1 year in and about to make e-4. on the pay charts it says 2 years or less and then over 2 years. when i get 2 years in, which bracket do i go into??? thanks for the help.

    5 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago
  • what cell phone is like the iphone?

    i want to get a new phone but i dont want get the iphone cause everyone has one. but i like how you can get applications for it. so what phone is like it or at least similar. also i have att, and dont want to switch. and if i have the family plan with unlimited multimedia, do i still have to get the special data plan for that phone?? thanks.

    1 AnswerCell Phones & Plans1 decade ago
  • do i need to replace calipers in pairs?

    i have a 98 blazer and had brake work done on it. now one of the caliers is not working. i was gonna try and use a c clamp to move the pistons but if i need to replace it then i was wondering if i really have to do it in pairs. thanks.

    6 AnswersMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • whats a good hand gun to learn on?

    i was wanting to learn to shoot more but am not sure what to i should get. i will go to a learners course and probably use what they have available, but i want to end up getting my own some day. also what would be good for my wife to learn on?? or would it be the same. also i'm in to coast guard so i have shot a sig but my specific job doesent requier me to shoot alot, so i dont have any experiance really.

    18 AnswersHunting1 decade ago
  • good ideas for valintines dinner?

    i need some help with dinner. i can cook as long as i have directions and its not to hard. i already have beef and a bunch of random foods, so anything with simple ingredients would help. i can go shopping and find about anything since i live in seattle. thanks for the help. bye.

    3 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • what kind of humidor should i get?

    i just started smoking cigars and wanted to get a humidor to keep them fresh. i'm in the military and i go to south america a lot so i want to store some on the ship that i buy down there. i also want to keep them fresh and don't know to much about cigars so an help would be nice. thanks.

    3 AnswersBeer, Wine & Spirits1 decade ago
  • what give you energy in those drinks?

    what is it in the energy drinks that gives you energy. i know caffine but what about all those b vitamins and stuff. what do they do?

    5 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • voltage gauge?

    on my 98 blazer theres a voltage gauge. i thought it was suppossed to read around 14 volts when the vehicle is running but its only showing 11-13. i just back from being away for 6 months and i cant remeber what it used to be so any help is very appriciated. if its low it should be the alternator but then again i cant remeber. also i got a code read and it said that the third o2 sesor on back 2 had a fault, now does it have 3 sensors for every side of the exauhst or is it just numberd wierd. thanks for the help.

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs1 decade ago
  • saluting in civies?

    i just got out of boot camp and am a little confused on what i'am supposed to do when the national anthem is played when i'm not in uniform. some people told me i need to salute some say know and others say its my choice. so if any military guys could help me it will be very appericiated. thanks,

    12 AnswersMilitary1 decade ago