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Is a Yamaha WR250X a good commuter bike?

I would like to buy my first motorcycle and am looking at the Yamaha WR250X or similar bikes. I live in Hawaii and travel on the highway to work (60 mph speed limit) for about 20 min and then city speeds for about 10 min. I am looking at it for the great mileage that it gets and the fact that I will be a new rider. I have taken the driving class and gotten my motorcycle endorsement. I am a bigger guy at 6'4" 220, think this bike is to small? I was also looking at the BMW F800GS or F650GS but they are pretty pricey and I do not want to drop a nice bike since I am a new driver (its gonna happen as i have been told). Thanks for the help.


well they are both dual purpose bikes from what i have learned, it is just the bmw was designed as both from the begining and the yamaha was originaly a dirt bike. I like the way they look so that is why I choose those kind of bikes. I do not want a sport bike like a ninja and a harley is not worth it. I can save up money to afford anything, but would want something cheaper since it is my first bike and I do not want to spend a lot on something that I might drop or ruin. What other info would you need to know? i do not plan on going long distances since i live in hawaii (i can only go so far :)

Update 2:

well they are both dual purpose bikes from what i have learned, it is just the bmw was designed as both from the begining and the yamaha was originaly a dirt bike. I like the way they look so that is why I choose those kind of bikes. I do not want a sport bike like a ninja and a harley is not worth it. I can save up money to afford anything, but would want something cheaper since it is my first bike and I do not want to spend a lot on something that I might drop or ruin. What other info would you need to know? i do not plan on going long distances since i live in hawaii (i can only go so far :)

Update 3:

i have looked into the suziki also, seemed pretty good, it is actually what i learned to ride on at the school, only it was the 250.

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    That and idk what you really want a trail bike as the 250 is or a sport bike like the BMW,etc?? More info but i will go with i got... The 250 will be a little to small for you i would think something in the ranges above 250. And if that is all you can afford, (i know times are hard), go ahead and get the 250 its a great bike and easy to maintain.

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