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where can i get a red saigon pineapple?

my wife and i went to the dole plantation on oahu and saw a red saigon pineapple. we both thought it would be cool to grow one but cant seem to find any way to buy one to plant the stem or seeds for it. if you have any suggestions it would help. thanks.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I don't think pineapples Have seeds. Normal pineapples are grown from cuttings (like from the tuft of leaves on top of a normal pineapple. I've seen plants grown from the tufts, but never had any luck with it myself.) Your best bet might be a store with a lot of exotic fruit if you want to start your own.

    If you order from a seed catalog (alot also have seedlings or small plants) or online, be sure to check that they can send it to you. I know that California has a lot of quarentines that keep out shipments of live plants (usually because of a disease or insect in its nursery area not found in Calif.).

  • 1 decade ago

    Well pineapples are fruits, therefore they technically have seeds. Commercially grown pineapples have been grown for their vestigial seeds which are very soft and very small like you would find in grapes. I would look for some pineapple seeds sold online..that would probably be your easiest route.

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