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buying a unlocked phone?

i have been looking at buying a a unlocked smart phone so i have more options on what i can buy. i currently have att and do not want to switch because my whole family has it so i only need a low min plan. i just need info if anybody has any problems with doing this. or just any inof in general wold be appriciated. thanks.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Usually when people have problems with unlocked devices it's because either the person who unlocked the device didn't change the settings afterwards, or because the user screwed up a setting.

    You shouldn't have any problems using an unlocked phone on AT&T, T-Mobile, or a handful of prepaid services requiring the use of SIM cards.

    Source(s): Work for a cellular reseller that also unlocks phones.
  • 1 decade ago

    Buying unlocked smart phone is not a problem but you would have to configure your unlocked smart phone for multimedia and wap so you could use it properly on att, and it depends on you what kind of phone you get.

  • 1 decade ago

    ebay is your best bet on getting an unlocked phone, and you'll have plenty of choices.

    good luck!!!

  • 1 decade ago then

    0 problems

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