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voltage gauge?

on my 98 blazer theres a voltage gauge. i thought it was suppossed to read around 14 volts when the vehicle is running but its only showing 11-13. i just back from being away for 6 months and i cant remeber what it used to be so any help is very appriciated. if its low it should be the alternator but then again i cant remeber. also i got a code read and it said that the third o2 sesor on back 2 had a fault, now does it have 3 sensors for every side of the exauhst or is it just numberd wierd. thanks for the help.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    when properly charging, should read 13.5 to 13.8 volts. if you have a volt meter, check battery with engine off, nothing turned on, should read about 12.5 volts. start engine and recheck, should be 13.5 to 13.8 volts if alternator is working ok.

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