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can you have 2 stoves in one house with two apartments?

i'm looking at a place to rent and it doesn't have a stove. the landlord said its cause the top flor, which is a separate apartment, has a stove. and that zoning requirements wont allow him to put one in. any idea if this could be true, or is he just cheap? this place is in Kaneohe, HI.


Any more info on the subject? Like a document saying so?

Update 2:

Hey pasta, when did I ever say I signed a lease and moved in?I clearly stated that I was LOOKING at places. Life lesson 101: don't ***-ume anything, and read everything before you comment!

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago

    It's very plausible that there are zoning laws such as you write about. Rentals are held to certain standards and you have to remember that most homes later converted to rentals were obviously not planned or built for that purpose at their original time of building. There's nothing complicated about this concept. Rentals are everywhere. Just look elsewhere-problem solved. If you don't want to move then you have to deal with what you have. You signed the lease so now you have to deal with what you're signed to-that's just being an adult. Like anything else in life when you don't like a situation it's up to you to make appropriate shifts so things are better. Next time choose better, plan ahead a little better and find something that works for you better next time you're looking for a place. Complaining about your own choice after the fact only makes yourself look bad. Consider this a lesson in life that will hopefully serve you well as you grow up.

    Source(s): life 101
  • 10 years ago

    I doubt he is just being cheap by not putting a stove in as that would certainly make it a more attractive rental...Like one of my peers said there are specific codes that regulate rentals and these vary city to city and state to state....There is no specific document I can think of but you can contact your local building,fire, and code officials for answers.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Yes, I agree with the answer above...

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    yes you can

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