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  • Is there a particular time of year a birtch tree sheds it's bark?

    Just curious since I'm a new home owner with one of these beautiful trees. This tree has always shed small amounts of bark but it looks almost like the whole thing is dropping a layer here in the middle of winter. I love this tree but is this normal?

    2 AnswersGarden & Landscape8 years ago
  • Need to know Iggy Pop song from the late 70s?

    I can't find this song and it's been bugging me: When I was a kid in the 70s watching the Midnight Special they showed an early Iggy Pop video (low budget /cheap background/probably one take) of him inside a never ending tube or hall surrounded by plastic. The song was about needing to get out or that "I need to get out" etc. Any ideas...this has bugged me for decades!!! Thanks

    1 AnswerRock and Pop9 years ago
  • Landscape waterfall-vase winter care suggestions?

    Do I store this thing inside for the winter? Do I have to dig out the basin and store that over the winter as well? I'm new to this thing: it's a landscape vase that forces water through to the top which flows back down the vase into a basin. It's water pump is powered by a standard grounded outside 120 outlet. Anyone have any experience with these things? Thanks!

    1 AnswerGarden & Landscape10 years ago
  • Truck's tonneau cover lift part-what's this thing called?

    I'm needing to replace a part on my truck's hard tonneau cover. It's the small clip that clamps the end of the strut/lift to the truck...just not sure what this little thing is called. Thanks!

    1 AnswerMaintenance & Repairs10 years ago
  • Realtors/ Home sellers-any thoughts about this kind of buyer "returning?"?

    I made an offer on a nice single-family home a few weeks ago. The seller's counter offer was unacceptable so I said no thank you and ended things. Long story but we already know this seller won't accept much less than their list price so I figured it was best for all involved if I not counter their counter offer and save everyone the time...maybe even save a little face in case I feel like offering something closer to their counter price later in the season (if it hasn't sold).

    So, if the home still hasn't sold in a few months and I return to offer again, how will these sellers feel about me returning? Am I at any disadvantage since they've seen my name on the offer papers (and earnest money check copied) from the last time I offered? Have you ever encountered this situation? Any thoughts or suggestions in case I pursue this? And yes, I will offer up a little more and be more willing to work out a deal next time. Thanks!

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Realtors-what's your opinion of this?

    How do you feel about a buyer looking for a typical single-family home that knows what he wants but for his own reasons offers a purchase price as a one-time deal (will not accept counter offers). If the seller declines the buyer moves on. Yeah, it's me and yes I'll admit I love a bargain but part of my offer is based on my own likes/dislikes/wants/needs-and I also recognize this means little to a seller. Anyway, if a seller says yes then we have a deal. Otherwise I move on. How does a realtor feel having to deal with this kind of buyer?

    ****I otherwise take up little of the realtor's time since I do all the searching myself (she does send me any MLSs I ask for) and only ask to tour the few homes I'm truely interested in (and I only take about 5 minutes viewing each home).

    2 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • Realtors-do you mind this?

    I'm about to make a bid on a home through my realtor. We both agree the seller will probably not bend much on price (long story) so I have about 3 other properties I am prepared to look at if the 1st seller and I can't agree. My bids are based not only on comps but against what amenities I want in other homes that I may bid on. I'm not a low-ball bidder but since it's a buyer's market right now I have extra leverage to consider these extra things in my bids.

    So, do realtors mind their buyer essentially lining up a handful of homes to bid on (one at a time)-as in, if we can't work out a deal on house A, I'm ready to bid on house B. If house B doesn't happen, I bid on house C, etc. This creates extra work for the realtor-drawing up each bid as we go through this process until I can strike a deal-like I'm almost expecting a few of these deals to not work out. What's a realtor's opinion of this kind of tactic? Thanks.

    5 AnswersRenting & Real Estate1 decade ago
  • What is Dave Ramsey's philosophy of personal responsibility with finances (need quotes)?

    I've heard him explain this beautifully with a lot of well put reasoning. He explains how every adult should be financially responsible and how it affects so many things in a person's life. I'd love to find this quote. Thanks.

    3 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • How do you tip a hair stylist (extra) at the holidays?

    My stylist has been cutting my hair for 20 years/does a great job and I consider her a friend. I normally tip $5 for the $15 cut ($20 total). If I want to hand her an extra $20 for the holidays next time would that by tacky or should I put this extra $20 in a greeting card???????????

    2 AnswersHair1 decade ago
  • Should we loan this relative money?

    My wife is staying/ helping my mother-in-law recover from hip surgery. While there she stumbled on to some credit card bills-they add up to around $33,000 in debt! The MOL lives very modestly so we assume she racked up this debt as a result of losing most of her things from hurricane Katrina but isn't able to repay it because her income is only around $20,000/yr. Obviously bankruptcy will be her only way out-something we'll have to discuss with her soon.

    Obviously my wife wants to give her mother $ to help but I say it's throwing good money away especially since we all agree on the MOL filing bankruptcy in the future. I say we'd be helping her more by helping her find resources and get her finances back in order and only then in an emergency give her small gifts of money if absolutely necessary. Any other suggestions???? Thanks.

    5 AnswersPersonal Finance1 decade ago
  • Did Pillsbury change their cookie dough recipe last year?

    I occasionally snack on it and noticed it having a different taste in the past few months-kind of an extra smooth texture and the sweetness of it is somehow changed. I know...this isn't a life-changing issue but just wondered if anyone else noticed this.

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • I need suggestionss for things to do for/with my wife on an upcoming anniversary of her father's death.?

    She was very close to her father and took his death pretty hard. She'd like to stay busy that day to keep her mind off it too much. We just bought a house so there's no shortage of work to be done there but that also means most of our money is already budgeted for various home expenses-so money is kind of tight. Any suggestions both in honor of him and just "stuff to keep busy" would be appriciated. Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade ago
  • How can my wife remove herself as plaintiff from a suit while allowing 3 other plaintiffs to carry on with it?

    This case is still being researched by the lawyer/hasn't gone to court yet but we've just decided we should pull out of the suit ourselves. Thanks.

    1 AnswerFamily1 decade ago
  • Any suggestions on groups of upbeat (not christian rock) southern style gospel choir groups/albums?

    To be more specific, the stuff that really gets going by the end of the song, clapping, screaming, whatever... I like trying out all kinds of new music but don't know what groups to look for here. Thanks.

    5 AnswersMusic1 decade ago
  • Do you have a phone # or email for AOL that can help me resolve a billing dispute?

    Nothing crazy here-I closed out my AOL account earlier this year, paid it in full but recently received a notice they claim I still owe for one more month. I called the so-called help number on the bill but got nowhere-it's only for taking such payments. Help! Thanks.

    1 AnswerInternet1 decade ago