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Does the Palestinian Authority really want a two-state solution?

While the Palestinian Authority announces in English its demand for a two-state solution, to its own people in Arabic it continues to define all of Israel as "Palestine," and to promise Israel's destruction. A new video clip, broadcast numerous times daily since it first appeared on Fatah-controlled TV, passionately promises "Mother" that every Israeli city will be "liberated" because its "identity is Arab" and "Palestinian”:

"We will liberate the Land… [which] is Arab in history and identity, Palestine is Arab in history and identity."

And to ensure that no one limits the land of the future "liberated Palestine," the song defines the scope of Palestinian cities, which include all of Israel:

"From Jerusalem and Acre and from Haifa and Jericho and Gaza and Ramallah

From Bethlehem and Jaffa and Be'er Sheva and Ramle

And from Nablus to the Galilee, and from Tiberias to Hebron”

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Certainly not. The Muslim mentality does not tolerate a Jewish state, and certainly not in the Middle east.

    A recent report by a senior Palestinian Authority journalist in the PA daily Al-Ayyam documented the decision by masses of Arabs in 1948 to leave their homes in the hopes that they would return once Israel was defeated. "The Arabs who became refugees in 1948 were not expelled by Israel but left on their own to facilitate the destruction of Israel," the senior PA journalist wrote, according to Palestinian Media Watch, which monitors the Arabic language PA media. "This plan to leave Israel was initiated by the Arab states fighting Israel, who promised the people they would be able to return to their homes in a few days once Israel was defeated."

    This war against Hamas is one of the most righteous in Israel's defensive history. Israel has gone out of its way -- at great cost to its own citizens -- to try to accommodate the civilian population in Gaza. However, Hamas is in total control there, and Hamas doesn't care one bit about the population in Gaza. It wants total control of all the Arab population in Israel and its surroundings.

    Israel has undergone seven years of brutal terror and the expulsion of its citizens by their own government from the Gaza area.

    Israel must resist all efforts for a cease-fire from the bleeding-heart humanitarians and those cowardly nations who fear rising Arab militancy, yet will do nothing to stop it.

    We must remember the great Hanukkah miracle, the Jewish revolt against the Syrian tyranny of Antiochus. With divine help, the miracle will be repeated.


  • 1 decade ago

    For many years this has been the language of Palestinians politicians. Many have said that once the old guard was over the new generation would take over and the sense of peace would be reinforced by these so called prone for peace population what we forgot to mention is how the old guard continue to poison the mind of the youth about Israel.

    There will be no peace, ever in Israel / Palestine. The only way there can be a peace is if it is forced on the Palestinians. imagine that ... guns and tanks in the streets to force them to live in peace.

    The Arab world has done nothing to solve the problem, all they have done is blame Israel, support and helped Palestine in a war that is to their own advantage. Palestinians are the slaves of the arab world, they do the dirty job Arabs want to do against Israel but that they can't openly do ... so they pay and poison Palestinians to do it for them. Palestinians in reality are considered by all arabs as less then dogs and are being exploited for political gains like slaves.

    Israel has the right to defend itself, Palestinians have the right to their own land but without the evil intervention and input of all or any arab nation in the world.

  • 5 years ago

    Palestinians circulate the checkpoints daily to artwork in Israel now. The Israelis administration the border with checkpoints the place people each each now and then look ahead to hours to circulate the two techniques and if there are 2 states, there'll extra desirable border secure practices, as with any countries that share borders. If the Palestinians had the liberty to alter into Israeli voters, many might yet Israel does not enable that even nevertheless there are some Christians and Arabs who're Israeli voters, and that they have got not got finished rights.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No, they want Israel wiped out. They receive support and funds from other Middle Eastern countries (and Western sources) for that very purpose. Their Muslim brothers are happy for the "Palestinians" to continue fighting and dying for decades to try to accomplish this. The "Palestinians" have had the land they asked for and they still killed Jews.

  • 1 decade ago

    We want to keep the area free of the Jewish.

    We don't care if Palestine is Shiite or Sunni. We will accept one Shiite state and one Sunni state, as long as there are no Jewish.

    That is the 2-state solution in a nutshell.

  • 1 decade ago

    The PA will back any plan as long as they perceive that it will lead to the removal of a Jewish presence from the MIddle East.

    So they could theoretically support a two-state solution as a means to a Islamic regime.

  • 1 decade ago

    They would be satisfied with a two-state solution as long as they get to draw up the geographic boundaries, which will never be satisfactory to Israel.

  • 1 decade ago

    We will liberate all of Falastin.

    The Jews will go back to Antarctica.

    Down with the Zionist entity.

  • 1 decade ago

    They want it all especially Jerusalem!

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    they want to eliminate israel. period. they do not want to co-exist.

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