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He asked me out.... and he's 7 years older than me! Is this wrong?

Okay, so I'm friends with this guy. He happens to be 21, and lives in a different state. (his family is here, but he moved for his job). He's really nice, too. He happened to be home for Christmas and such, and so I saw him in church on Sunday. Anyways, I was on facebook after church, and we were instant messaging, and he was like "do you want to do somthing this week?" I was like "ummm.. sure" and he's like "how about dinner and a movie" - I'm not going to say every little thing, but anyways the conversation went on, and he eventually admitted that he wanted to go out with me. He's 21, and I'm 14. I reminded him that it wouldn't be legal until I was like 18, so then he says "well then I'll ask you out again when you're 18"

Does this seem wrong or creepy to you??

I mean, he's quite a bit older than me. Although, I'm really mature for my age, and I actually look like I'm 15 or 16. (I'm really not trying to be concieted or anything, btw)

I don't really know what to think.

What's your opinion on this?

30 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I was mature for my age too. I dated a 20 year old when I was 16. But 14 and 21 is a big difference. He may be a nice guy but it's probably best just to stay friends for now. Because you look and act mature for your age, he probably forgets that you are only 14.

  • 1 decade ago

    Ok I'm a really open minded person with this type of thing and I think once you're 18 age really doesn't matter but a 21 year old guy has different priorities and different wants and needs to a 14 year old girl. You need to focus on your education, getting life experiences and having fun, wheras he's going to want to think about jobs, work and possibly sex. Its not going to work.

    If he really does like you then yeah, it'll happen once you're old enough. But 14 and 21 really is unwise. Stay friends, keep in touch and if its meant to be it'll happen eventually. For now, you're young. Have some fun!!

  • 1 decade ago

    HHMM.... this can be a sticky situation. Most girls do mature faster than we go for older guys. I've always gone for older guys. This 21 year old may be more at your level than the guys your age. BUT, legally wise, you do need to be careful.

    Its a tough situation because dinner & a movie isn't exactly doing anything illegally, but if you get too romantically involved with each other, than it can get illegal.

    How do you feel about him? Thats one thing you need to think about. But, the way he said "Then I'll ask you out again when your 18" makes it sound maybe that he does respect you & really like you & wants to spend time together, get to know each other, be friends,etc & then in the right time, it could blossom into more. Follow your heart, but also use your head & take your time, don't rush things. & you may want to speak to your parents about it, if they find out in a way that it feels you went behind your back, that will bring on trust issues,etc.

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes. I'm 23 and there is a 15 year old who is very pretty. But accountability and responsibility does factor in. It's understandable for you to want to and be willing to, but there is something wrong with him. If he's really that 'amazing' and you're perfect for him then he can wait at least 3 more years until it's not as inappropriate. And I don't care much for what society deems appropriate, but you're going to change A LOT over the next 7 years mentally and emotionally.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that this guy needs to find someone his own age and not be trying to mess around with you because you are only 14 you are too young form him and it doesn't matter if you look older or that you are mature for your age. You are still very young and worry about school and hanging out with your friends and family while you still can

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Can you say pervert!!! How disgusting. The age difference is not so bad if you would be of age, but you are not even close to that yet. Maybe 17-24 or 18-25 but not 14-24.

    Source(s): Watching To Catch A Predator......
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    K, don't listen to all these people saying no and run away. I know someone who had a guy that liked her and they had a pretty big age difference, and he said he'd wait till she was older, and he did. But by then she didn't like him anymore.

    It's kind of weird (cuz it's a 7 year difference), but if you still like him when ur 18, and he's still waiting for u (lol) go for it.

    But that actually is now that I think of it strange... lol but my grandparents have a ten year difference...


  • 1 decade ago

    no its not wrong! so hes 7 years older big deal. i kno someones parents (who shall be left unamed) that have a 10 year age difference so dont worry its creepy that hes 21 and ur 14 but it will seem a little better when u r older.

  • Amory
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    Not only is this illegal (if there's intercourse), but its wrong on other levels as well. A guy who is 21 has way more life experiences then a girl who is 14. It's like a 14 year old dating a 10 year old. The age gap is even smaller, but the difference in maturity alone is enough to know you wouldn't date a 10 year old.

    Yikes! Run away!

  • Mia
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    i would stay away from him. you can't really trust someone until you really get to know them, and it doesn't sound like you know each other that well. just stay friends, cause being friends is okay, just don't go farther than that and just see what happens and if he really does wait for you to be 18.

    i had this problem too actually lol but he wasn't 7 years older, he was.... 5. yes. i was 14 and he was 19 and i found out he liked me etc etc but i didn't let anything happen cause i didn't really know him that well and he said he'd wait for me to be 18, and well we'll just have to see. we're still friends and talk and stuff, but i don't let anything happen. it's not worth it, and i don't want him to get in trouble.

    good luck

    Source(s): experience
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