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  • What country does this last name come from?

    My last name is Bystricky.

    What country do you think this originated from?

    I know I'm part French and Italian, but I'm not sure is Bystricky is a French or Italian name. What do you think?

    4 AnswersGenealogy1 decade ago
  • Anne Frank question?

    i am doing a report on Anne Frank and i was going to read one of her diary entries out loud before my report. Which one should i read? I dont want it to be too long because the kids i am reading it to will get bored..........i know this is hard, but if you do have a suggestion, just say the date of the entry or what its about.

    2 AnswersBooks & Authors1 decade ago
  • Why do slave songs use biblical passages?

    i know this is a hard question, but i need it ASAP!

    and im talking about songs sung by the african american slaves back in civil war times.

    13 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • He asked me out.... and he's 7 years older than me! Is this wrong?

    Okay, so I'm friends with this guy. He happens to be 21, and lives in a different state. (his family is here, but he moved for his job). He's really nice, too. He happened to be home for Christmas and such, and so I saw him in church on Sunday. Anyways, I was on facebook after church, and we were instant messaging, and he was like "do you want to do somthing this week?" I was like "ummm.. sure" and he's like "how about dinner and a movie" - I'm not going to say every little thing, but anyways the conversation went on, and he eventually admitted that he wanted to go out with me. He's 21, and I'm 14. I reminded him that it wouldn't be legal until I was like 18, so then he says "well then I'll ask you out again when you're 18"

    Does this seem wrong or creepy to you??

    I mean, he's quite a bit older than me. Although, I'm really mature for my age, and I actually look like I'm 15 or 16. (I'm really not trying to be concieted or anything, btw)

    I don't really know what to think.

    What's your opinion on this?

    30 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Are humans part of the Life cycle?

    i need an answer with a lot of explanation, not just a yes or no.

    i need to know if humans are in the life cycle and where they fit in and why. Please help! i need the answer ASAP!

    2 AnswersBiology1 decade ago
  • My crush hacked my email!?

    The guy i have a MAJOR crush on hacked my email and saw EVERYTHING!

    including all the emails to my friend about how hot he is and how much i like him.

    Did he hack because he likes me?

    I don't know for sure. I just don't know what i should do. Should I change my password so he won't get in, even though he knows it all already!? I kind of wanted him to see that stuff so he could see i like him. Is that right to think or completely stupid?

    I'm afraid he might tell his best friend, who i am good friends with and ruin our friendship.

    Please help, i am so worried!

    11 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Should i pair us up in the project?

    ok. so there is this guy i really like in my class, and he knows i like him. Our class is having a Colonial Christmas celebration to connect with what we are studying. I am in charge of the entertainment, and we are planning on learning a dance, but we have to be paired up for it. Should i pair us up? I am scared that he won't want to dance with me and he will know it was me who paired us together. But i really like him and i want to dance with him SO bad!

    What should I do??

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • (guys) Why didn't he kiss me?!!?

    okay, so it was my first date with my boyfriend (he was my best friend before, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. we're really close, and we've held hands and stuff before)

    anyways, back to the date:

    so during the movie, he didn't put his arm around me or anything. (he seemed sort of nervous, though, so maybe that's why.)

    then after the movie, we walked around a bit (we were at one of those outdoor malls) and decided to get coffee. after that, we walked around and then sat on one of the benches and talked. i really thought that he would kiss me then, but he didn't!

    why do you think he was holding back??

    was he really nervous, or was it something else?

    btw, we're both 14, and it was our first date (with anyone), but we really like each other, and we liked each other way before we were going out.

    so why won't he kiss me!?

    4 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • why didn't he kiss me?!? (guys)?

    okay, so it was my first date with my boyfriend (he was my best friend before, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend. we're really close, and we've held hands and stuff before)

    anyways, back to the date:

    so during the movie, he didn't put his arm around me or anything. (he seemed sort of nervous, though, so maybe that's why.)

    then after the movie, we walked around a bit (we were at one of those outdoor malls) and decided to get coffee. after that, we walked around and then sat on one of the benches and talked. i really thought that he would kiss me then, but he didn't!

    why do you think he was holding back??

    was he really nervous, or was it something else?

    btw, we're both 14, and it was our first date (with anyone), but we really like each other, and we liked each other way before we were going out.

    so why won't he kiss me!?

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What kind/brand of eyeliner won't smudge?

    i have maybelline "unstoppable" eyeliner (the kind that goes on really smooth, and is in that cool twisty tube), and by the end of the day, it ends up smudging all over under my eyes, and then when i wipe it, i wipe all of it off.

    what is the best kind of eyeliner that won;t smudge?

    i don't really want to use liquid, because i like my makup to look natural.

    is the pencil eyeliner better than the stuff in the twist tubes??

    i usualy don't use the pencil because it doesn't apply as easily/smoothly.

    what do you use that works??

    10 AnswersMakeup1 decade ago
  • how can i make him change his mind?

    okay, so my best guy friend and i are really close. he really likes me, and i really like him (as in like like each other)

    it's really obvious he likes me too, because he's always asking me to sit by him, and he plays with my hair and stuff.

    the other day, i asked him out via facebook. the conversation went on for some time, and his final response was "i feel the same way as you, but i don't want to go out with anyone right now. let's just put the topic on hold"

    BUT THEN, a few days later i saw him and we went to this pumpkin patch place with our church youth group and we held hands. (and he initiated it. we were talking and he said "your hands are so cold!" then proceeded to warm them by holding my hands. then we eventually laced fingers and held hands the entire night.)

    i know he likes me (it's pretty much a fact), but how can i make him change his mind about going out/being a couple?!?

    13 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What is a simple and suttle way to tell him i love him?

    i really like this guy, and he's like my best friend, so the other day i emailed him and asked him out.

    the conversation took many turns, but te end result was "i feel the same way as you, but i don't want to go out with anyone right now. let's just put the subject on hold for now". i saw him the next day and everything was fine (no awkwardness, no tension) we sat beside like always and talked with our friends. then, the next sunday, we were at this thing with our youth group that was outside. we were talking and his hand touched mine. then he was like "your hand is freezing!" then he proceeded to "warm it up" by holding it, but after a while we ended up lacing fingers and holding hands for most of the night.

    so now i just want a way to tell him i love him without freaking him out.

    it's obvious he likes me (it's pretty much a fact), but i just want something to say that might make him change his mind about not going out with anyone.

    any suggestions???

    thanks in advance!

    7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What's your favorite love song?

    I really want a great love song to listen to.

    any suggestions?

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What do I do Next?!?!?

    okay, so the other day, i asked out my best friend (who i like) by email.

    the conversation went on for some while, but the initial response was "i feel the same way as you, but i don't want to go out with anyone right now. let's just put the topic on hold for now"

    so what do i do next?

    i saw him two days later and everything was normal (it wasn't awkward, and we didn't bring up the conversation)

    then, after that, a few days later, we went to this pumpkin patch place with the church youth group and we held hands the entire time.

    (and he was the one that started the hand holding. we were talking and he was like "geez, your hands are really cold" so he started "warming" them up by holding them, then we just sort of laced fingers and held hands)

    so i don't know if he's trying to send signals that he DOES want to be together, or what.

    what do you think??

    8 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • what is your favorite inexpensive perfume?

    i was just wondering what your favorite perfume was (i needed a little inspiration in the perfume department)

    i don't want to be buying $300 perfume or anything, i just want something that smells fresh.

    8 AnswersOther - Beauty & Style1 decade ago
  • When you hear the name Helen, what first comes to mind?

    Pretty self explanatory. I just wanted you opinion. There's no right or wrong answer.

    Just tell me, does the name sound like a really old person, a middle age person, or a teenager. Does it sound like a name for someone who is ugly or pretty. Shy or outgoing. Just give me your opinion!


    23 AnswersWords & Wordplay1 decade ago
  • My Lower Back Hurts After Doing Crunches?

    When I do crunches (or pull-ups, whichever you call them) I find that my lower back hurts afterwards. I only do 30 each morning. The pain is in my lower spine.

    I find that I tense my neck when I do the crunches, though. Does that have anything to do with the pain?

    Please answer!

    2 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • My Whammy Bar is Too Loose!?

    I recently bought a Fender Squire Stratocaster from a friend.

    It has a whammy bar, but it is so loose, that it doesn't do anything at all. In fact, it is so loose, that iit can rotate 360 degrees.

    How can I tighten it so that I can actually use it?!


    4 AnswersRock and Pop1 decade ago
  • A problem with SPAM????

    Okay, so I keep getting these emails from Fanbox hacked into my address book and keeps sending trashy emails to my contacts, saying that their from me.

    I'll move the email I get from Fanbox to the spam folder, but then they just go to my inbox again. I keep getting angry emails from my friends asking me why I sent them it.

    How can I permanetly move the emails to spam, and keep the website off my contact list??

    Should I just change my email address????

    5 AnswersAbuse and Spam1 decade ago
  • What am I supposed to do about the awkward-ness??

    Okay, so my crush found out I liked him. He STILL hasn't told me if he likes me or not.

    A group of friends (including him) and I are going to Six Flags in a week or so, and so my question is, what should I do or say to him so that things won't be so awkward??


    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago