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Atheists: I am a bitter atheist. What am I to do....?

I am one of those atheists that had a bad experience and christians can easily pick up on this and seem to use this as a crutch to understand my atheism. Yes, I did have a bad experience and I had been happily practicing Wicca at that time. People started pushing the bible at me so I was desperate and tried it. Everything just got worse. (Meaning my prayers weren't answered........ok, fine, weren't answered in "my" time. (How much did god want me to suffer then?)....sarcasm!

Obviously I became angry at god and as you and I both know, logic and reason took over. Atheism made more sense. Science is rational. God was not.

How do I talk with the christians who will just say I am bitter with their god and therefore will not listen to anything logical I might have to say - not that they usually listen anyway.

How can I react so I am less judged. Ha ha! Like I said, it is easy for people to pick up that I'm still dealing with my situation.

The way I look at it is god wasn't there to stop it, I sure won't have a false crutch on him to help me pick up all the broken pieces!


Metzger, I am not an agnostic by far!

Update 2:

I am no longer angry at god as there is no god to be angry at. I know my post was long but you didn't get it.

15 Answers

  • Mia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    First, deal with the bitterness. I think realizing its not helpful to yourself and that its healthier and will make you happier to let it go and move on in the long run helps. I've heard it said that we give people the power to effect those kind of emotions. Why would you want to give people who essentially by their actions just really aren't worth giving control over your feelings to that kind of power? Realize they acted through their own fear and misguided ideas, they don't know better. Keep away from such people to the extent you can but don't let them take your joy of life and happiness away from you.

    Then I react to people like this with just the matter of fact reasons it doesn't make a bit of sense to me. They have no credible evidence nor reason that I've ever heard for their beliefs. I'd reiterate that its their right to hold such beliefs on faith but certainly not unreasonable to not be willing to do so. I remind them of other supernatural beliefs that are no more weird if you stop and think about them and have no less evidence that they happily reject on the grounds they are fantastic and unreasonable. I don't though bring my lack of belief up and put it out there in their faces. Its only a topic with me if the other party makes it so and ignores my change of subject and statements of disinterest. If they want to label me bitter it has little effect on me since I know myself this is not the case. Its been a long time since supernatural beliefs played any role in my life so I am pretty comfortable with relying on myself and real world solutions rather then appeal to supernatural figures and that this is more effective. Good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    "How do I talk with the christians who will just say I am bitter with their god and therefore will not listen to anything logical I might have to say - not that they usually listen anyway."

    You don't talk to a christian that has already prejudged you based on 1. Their scripture 2. By comparing you to others (Mao, Stalin) 3. When they claim to know your every thought, your mind, heart and feelings.

    People like this can not be reasoned with at all. And they are normally the one that scream loudest about how you are going to burn if you do not believe as they do, and are normally the ones who think they are doing you a favor by telling you their own truth on what their god is/was and how he thinks and feels. *rolls eyes*

    EDIT: Lol! To the poster that has said "atheists are pushy" then used the bus adverts as pushy. People have been subjected to christian advertising for years. Even now on the tv there are that many televangelist shows it's not funny. Bible reading door knockers coming to my door advertising their church and you complain about bus adverts? Lol Thank you to the poster that said this, it honestly made my night.

  • 5 years ago

    (Atheist, on no account "bitter") i don't know you or know you, your call, or your avatar, how ought to I in all threat hate you? i don't hate any Christian, yet your use of the term "bitter" incredibly exhibits a extreme degree of judgment and a definite degree of dislike - what became the saying approximately "pot meet kettle", or became it some thing a pair of log on your eye? to date, I even have not met or talked to every physique that asserted that Buddha became a genuine individual. traditionally, there's a ton of information that Mohammed existed, yet you will possibly desire to be extremely ignorant to think of that Islam is something yet a made up faith. so a techniques as Jesus is worried, i don't know approximately you yet I grew up with the incontrovertible fact that "there is extra information for Jesus present than Julius Caesar" or an identical one. subsequently the reason of protesting approximately Jesus is that there in simple terms isn't any direct, eyewitness information for his existence and the 2d hand information isn't compelling. it incredibly is important as there are various activities surrounding his existence that ought to have left straight forward information, yet did not. i might additionally recommend you awaken and seem on the custom and society around you. Western civilization is strongly biased in the direction of Christianity, even in the international places that have become atheistic. Edit: permit's be clean, Jesus might have existed in some form, even though it is obvious that commencing in a minimum of in the 1st century BCE throughout the time of the 1st CE there have been various messianic applicants, which comprise John the Baptist, that would or would possibly not have existed. although, it is likewise clean that anybody in simple terms before King David is a delusion and David is questionable. while Buddhists attempt to effect rules or education, then i'm going to complication approximately whether Buddha existed or not. Islam is laughable on it incredibly is claims and could give way for the comparable motives that Christianity will.

  • 1 decade ago

    May I answer too please? When someone pushes their scripture on you, can you not just smile politely and change the subject? Nod, say "thank you", and walk away. Surely there is somewhere else you could be doing something you like. When Christians say you are bitter, can you not tell them "yes, it is too personal to discuss, thanks for respecting my privacy."? Why is there a need to discuss your religion (/none) with anyone if that conversation brings you displeasure?

  • 1 decade ago

    Mate, don't talk to Christians, because they have one thing on their mind, and that is converting you to their beliefs.

    Being an atheist means you never have to ask forgiveness from a none existent being, but ask forgiveness of the people you actually hurt in the real life. And when you die, there will be no reason to be afraid as you will not exist anymore, Theres no non-existent heaven or hell, no decisions made for you, its just you in the ground buddy, and your loved ones wishing they still had you with them.

    Who is judging you for being an Atheist mate? People that judge stand to be judges themselves mate. Try to wake them up to rational thinking and what a mistake they are making believing in a being that will never exist and has never existed.

    Stay safe homes.

  • 1 decade ago

    im a christian and i have atheists talk to me, the key is to respect them for what they think and hopefully they'll respect me as well.

    if someone is being rude to you about it, all you need to do is ask them to respect you especially if you have been respecting them that whole time. maybe they'll stop because they might not even realize that you're taking offense.

    and also- God gives us a choice on what to believe, so God wouldn't stop you. just sayin.

  • Seeker
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Stick to the facts. The burden of proof is on them. End of story.

  • 1 decade ago

    Don't be angry with God. It's like being angry with Superman or Zeus or something. It's absurd to be angry with imaginary beings.

  • 1 decade ago

    just ignore them then your religion is your choice.but i will say if your not christian just because your prayers didnt get answered maybe you should re-examine your neither by the way.but christians believe that pretty much you get what you need.

    dude im sorry but atheist push it in peoples faces too.have you not seen the thing bout the bus advertisment for atheist id say thats pushing it in peoples faces.

  • 1 decade ago

    don't bring up the topic, if they push it on you, ignore them

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