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What is your biggest regret as a parent?

I know, I know! My little motto is “Forget regret or life is yours to miss” and I always stand by it. BUT, I still had to ask…..

I know parenting is a learning experience. But is there anything you regret doing as a parent? Or something you wish you had done a bit different?

Or to those with more than one child, did you learn something with child 1 that you vowed to never do with your additional children?


Tyler's Mommy, don't beat yourself up over this. What matters is that you're helping him now and getting things in order to help him now and in the future. You guys will get through this as a stronger family.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are so many things that I wish I would have done differently. But as I look back a few years later - every bad thing has somehow led to a positive.

    I wish I had gotten rid of her father before he turned physically abusive. Then again, without the bruises I got for evidence - the police wouldn't have locked him away for over a year while I get my life back on track.

    I wish I got this job and a car sooner. Life would have been so much easier for us if we had those things. Then again - struggling to "get by" is what led to us living with my grandfather for over a year. I am so glad that we got that special time with him before he died. Plus, he helped me get off to a great start in college. Almost straight As while I lived with him.

    Almost every bad thing has turned into a good. ... Right now my biggest regret is how I have behaved this year. 2008 has been so hard. I haven't given my little girl as much attention as she deserves and she has made it clear that I hurt her. I have been too busy crying my eyes out and trying to figure out how I can get over this all this pain. I don't know how it could possibly ever turn into a positive. But I am sure that a year from now, I will look back and see that a little good has even come from this. If nothing else - it will be a low point for me to reflect on and realize how lucky I have become. If nothing else - it will be a reminder to let people know how much I care, before God decides that it is time to take them away.

    I just hope that my daughter will be able to forgive me and get over the negative affects of this neglect. (Don't get me wrong. She still has it much better than a lot of kids. But I haven't been living up to the mother I know I have the potential to be.)

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think it's a regret so much as just some questions that will never be answered. We had a daughter that died of leukemia at 4 years old in Feb. 2007. She was our oldest. I still wonder if it was something we did or didn't do that caused it. Did something happen during pregnancy? Did we feed her the wrong foods? Was it the microwave? Could we have gotten a diagnosis and treatment sooner? Would that have made a difference? Did she really have to suffer through all of those nasty, awful treatments? Was it in the plans that she was going to die anyway? If I had known she was going to die, would we have put her through all of that? These are questions that I ask myself from time to time but I have to realize that they will never be answered and that I can't let them control my life. I have learned the hard way, that life can be taken away at any time.

    With our other children, I always check for lumps and if they make any of the same complaints that our daughter made, we are at the doctor that day. I push for the proper tests and I have to have proof that we are not heading down the same road again. I probably shouldn't put my kids through this but I would prefer that to what our daughter went through.

  • 5 years ago

    I'm pretty sure this a troll, but I'll answer the question anyway. I'm not going to waste my time talking about how bad a person your friend is, but I really hope social services take her kids away if that's the way she feels about them. Kids shouldn't be the biggest regret of ANYONE'S life. They should be the biggest accomplishment. I feel so bad for your friend's girls, because they have such a horrible mother.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I once slapped Evan out of anger. Might just be the worst parenting moment of my life. Never did it again, nor did I forget it. I learned a lot that day and hope it stays as fresh in my mind forever.

    I learned that even though something's not a big deal to me, it's a big deal to them. Gina's weird about her socks being perfect, and Evan's bedtime hug HAS to be in his bed, no matter how icky I might feel or how tired I am. Instead of trying to change them, I accommodated their needs.

    I am getting better at not being in such a hurry all the time. That one is tough. I strive with this because it affects my attitude toward them. It will also play a role in the people they will become. There's always time to pick a flower or check out the stars.

    I regret not listening to Gina when she was fussy and unreasonable at 3. I ignored/dismissed what was going on. I yelled at her. I didn't know it was anything beyond age tantrums or a growth spurt and didn't realize she was diabetic until we damn near lost her.

  • I regret brushing off everyone else's concerns for my oldest son. A few weeks ago it slapped me in the face that they were all right. If I would've had him evaluated and tested sooner, he might be a little better off than he is now. We could've started therapies sooner. I also regret yelling at him for things that are beyond his control because of his condition when I didn't realize it yet. (I believe he has autism).

    ETA: Thanks. He goes for his evaluation January 29th and we will hopefully start therapy shortly after. I'm hoping by next Christmas he will actually understand what's going on. He has no idea what Santa Claus is or even that he just had a birthday and he is 4 years old (Dec. 17). It can only get better from here on out, right?

    Source(s): <3 Mommy of 4 year old Tyler & 13 month old Riley <3
  • Flower
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I regret for allowing my oldest not to learn how to eat his veggies. I was to lenient with him when he was a baby so he never grew to enjoy veggies. So far the only kinds he eat are potatoes, maybe some carrots, but nothing green. Sometimes I have to force it or bribe him to do it, what a shame. I hope he outgrows this and learns to love it.

    I hope my little one will start to love it from the beginning. She is only 9 months, only has 2 front teeth. As soon as she is ready I will introduce them to her little by little so she will get used to it. She enjoys Squash so far and Sweet Potatoes, but it's just because it's Sweet so it makes sense. I hope to try some greens soon before she ends up being picky like her brother.

  • 1 decade ago

    hmmm?? actually.. i know this sounds dumb but i really have no regrets.. thru all the stupid goofy things i've done in my life i don't regret anything...

    there are many things i've could have done better.. when my son was an infant we never really had a strict schedule.. ya know, some parents have their babies on such a schedule that they'd eat every 10, 2 and 6 or something like that.. Ayden was never like that.

    ya know.. i will say, one thing i do regret is.. i wish i could cut off all ties with aydens dad... to where the only correspondence we have is when i drop ayden off and pick him up... him and i are always back and forth... i'd like him completely out of my life in that respect.

  • Kay
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My biggest regret WAS going back to my sons father, but I feel that now I KNOW that it cant/wont ever work. There is no wondering, no guessing, and no hoping.

    I know that I put everything into trying for Brody (for 2 months), and it is out of my hands.

    We are both healthier and happier away from his father.

    I hope they will have a great relationship someday, but reagardless...I'll always be his rock. =]

  • What?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    That I let my frustration get the better of me. Had the worst parenting day yesterday. I hope this will be a turnaround for me.

  • 1 decade ago

    i've never done it but one peice of advice i was always given was not to let them sleep in your bed with you. they'll get used to it. and NEVER leave you alone, i've seen it firsthand and I didn't and will never do it.

    sometimes he gets a treat or if he's having a bad dream but once he's zonked out, back in the crib he goes.

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