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Let us suppose that unquestionable evidence has sufaced?

proving that Gods do not exists, how would you react ???????

24 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    it would take me about 4 years to rebalance my new understanding of the world, such that I was functioning at 100 percent again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well i would not be surprised. I figured there was already enough evidence in the world that God does not exist with all the wars and child abuses like child soldiers and prostitution.

    but i'd also be afraid of the consequences of people finding out God does not exist. religion is probably the one thing that keeps the average man from just running around killing people becuase he didn't want to go to hell.

    with nothing to lose, the world would be an even more dangerous place.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be too happy. Because then we are exactly like what plants or other living creatures that are not like man or has his consciousness or intelligence. It seemed like they were there first before man got to that intellectual point. For all they did in life is just existed while fighting for their survival just to stay alive.

    I would suppose it would mean that mankind is truly the most stupid and foolish of all living creatures to ever exist on earth.

    Was that your same conclusion also?

  • John M
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    how do you propose to definitively prove the absence of something as ethereal as god? The believers have crafted a story that can neither be confirmed nor disproved. It simply is so far fetched that it can't be shown to be untrue.

    I would react as I do today, which is to have sympathy and compassion for those who feel the need for what seems to me to be a contrived notion.

    I have no quarrel with believers. I have a quarrel with those who seek to convince others to believe, without any reason that stands the test of rational thought.

  • 1 decade ago

    God exists and that isn't a question, the only question is what constitutes a god, is it a person up high, the creator of human beings as Intelligent design, or simply whatever caused the first creation of energy, matter and antimatter bringing something into a universe of nothing.

    personally I think the latter as its vague enough to be less confrontational.

  • 1 decade ago

    i would say grand now i should start praying and being very subjective to him heck no i would continue living the way i have cause their already kinda is if they prove the theory of Alternate reality's in a infinite space with infinite amounts of reality's with every possible thing being in one or another of the reality's if these other reality's are proven then in one of them thier is a god so then a god exists and they have proof thier ither way science is doings its best to find out and i realy dont care if thiers a god or not it wont make a difirence to me

  • 1 decade ago

    Does this unquestionable evidence include asking God questions at night and not getting any sort of reply?

  • Scatty
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I have always believed there is something there, I cant prove that 'god' ever existed but I do know he is not here now. I know a loot of religious people would disagree, that is their right but if you cannjot see or feel him how can you prove he is with us?

    Destiny maybe another word for God, I believe in that

  • 1 decade ago

    Let us suppose that unquestionable evidence has sufaced

    proving that Gods did in fact exists. how would you react ???????

  • Ja Ma
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    the unquestionable evidence has already surfaced in the form of multiplicity of religion. since there are many and conflicting versions of this god thing they cancel each other out with a net result of zero.

  • 1 decade ago

    Loads of indisputable evidence exists proving there is no god(s). But people fixed on religion will never accept that evidence.

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