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How do white people really feel about a black president?

I would like to hear from white people who did not vote for him as well as ones who did. If you're black or another race please don't make a comment for white people. They have their own mouths. Unless of course you are commenting what some else said that you heard.

21 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    His color did not influence me one way or the other--I've never been influenced by race. I voted for him because this country desperately needs a shift in the other direction.

    I am glad that I witnessed such a beautiful moment in history. My little boy will be reading about the 2008 election in history books.

    EDIT: Great answers so far.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm not white, but from my understanding the majority of voters were pleased, or at the very least tolerated the idea of a Black president. And seeing as how the majority of voters voted for Obama, I think it goes without saying.

    This is based on what I've heard from some of my White friends btw.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm white and I admire Obama very much. I voted for him. I think if he stays on his current course he will be a valuable role model for all of us. I pray for him and his family every day to be protected from assassins. I look forward to seeing his girls grow up in the White House. I also admire his wife.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    im white but i have no problem with a black president but i think that a lot of votes for MCcain only happened because hes white and there are some white people who don't like the thought of a black man being in office. some of the people that are members at my Church dont even want our preacher to preach because he asian. its really bad but they would never say it they only look at him weird when hes preaching and act like they cant under stand him and behind his back there just plain rude.

  • Faith
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Some of my White relatives are Republican but they aren't upset at Obama being president let alone half black. I really didn't know many White people cared for what his race is until I came on yahoo. I didn't vote for him either but it doesn't bother me he's president.

    Source(s): I'm biracial
  • 1 decade ago

    Well, my bf and his family love Obama.

    My grandpa loves Obama.

    My grandpa's family loves Obama.

    Hmm all the seniors in my Spanish and chemistry class who are actually 18 voted for Obama.

    When Obama won, they wore Obama shirts.

    I know these 2 sisters, they have a bajillion Obama shirts. friend in school was for Obama.

    I know a boy who was for Hilary, so he really didn't care about the election since he didn't get his pick.

  • 1 decade ago

    I feel good and hopeful meaning I hope the right choice was made. But I would feel that way even if he was white. After our last President, Obama would have to do a lot to screw up.

    I did vote for him.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't have a problem with having a black president. As long as what needs to be done gets done, Who cares what color his. Our last president was white and he screwed up really bad. I really do wish him luck and hope that he can do something with the mess that he was left.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I'm sorry, but there is a black President?! I thought Mr Barack Obama, born of a black father and white mother was President (or President elect rather)? Who is this black President to whom you are referring?

  • jazzie
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    each feel a different way I know several white people who voted foe him I did I think if he is given a chance he will do well he will not be able to do a whole lot his first year but he can get the ball rolling

    back in the 1600 and 1700 a lot of black people had to clean up the white people messes

    Obama is going to have to clean up behind bush

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