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Lv 6
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingAdolescent · 1 decade ago

Why would you endanger your lives like this?

I found these two pics in Photobucket. Neither of the originals had the black bars- I put those on there to protect their identities.

Anyone who went to this person's Photobucket album & viewed the original versions of these pics could see the full name & address of the high school these kids attended, their full names, their parents names & their full address.

Any pedophile or sicko who viewed these pics in their original format would be able to go right the the kids home and lay in wait until the opportunity was there to kidnap, rape, rob or whatever to these kids with ease, or even wait outside the school, give the kids some believable BS line saying your parents told me to get you- they would already have the parents full names, so it wouldn't be hard to put on a dog & pony show to make the kids believe that something bad had happened to the parents.

Please- all teens, tweens and younger children DO NOT place personal information in your MySpace, Facebook or any of the photo journals like TinyPic, Flickr or Photobucket.

Parents- where are you? Those computers you purchased your kids are not babysitters. You need to start acting like parents and monitor what your kids are doing online. I'm sorry that I'm being so harsh on you parents here, but I am tired of seeing missing kids on the news from something as preventable as this. I go to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids on a regular basis & every day more & more new posts are being added on their website.

Please parents- get involved. Kids- no you are not 10 feet tall and bulletproof, so you really need to learn to step back into reality- something could happen to you by posting personal information about yourselves online.

To these two kids that belong to these report cards- be thankful that I am a law enforcement officer instead of a pedophile- what you did endangered not only your lives, but your entire families. Please, please be more careful kids.

Anyone who want links to help keep their children safe online, just email me- I'll provide you accurate & very helpful information so you can sit down with your kids to make sure they are safe from sexual predators when they are online.

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    some people even still after they see shows they've been to orientations telling them about the dangers of the internet and they see all the sad stories about what happened to others on the news or tv but yet they think , it'll never happen to them.

    the thing is it could happen to them.

    people need to be more careful

    that's mostly why

    but another reason is some just might not know proper internet safety


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    my kids never use there real name on the web

    they have numerous fake names and identites

    kids, if you read this then NEVER use your real name or personall info on the web

    this is serious

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I guess they're stupid idiots.

    On facebook, my name is Payton then my middle name so know one know's my last name

    and on myspace my name is not my real name and I live no where close to where I say I live. I know predators could still find me, but I don't even put personal information on my profile.

    Thanks for the caringnes lol if thats a word

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow, that's extremely foolish. I know of some kids who think it's a good idea to put their school I.D. card up for the world to see. I guess some people just don't think before they do things like that. Thanks for putting this out there!

  • Joe F
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    They were not thinking and where are their parents?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because not everybody has the same personality or thinks the same way about everything.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wow i would never do that.

    Why are ppl that dumb.?

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Hmmm... that's a very vast question. do not tell all and sundry any own techniques! and don't tell a woman she is fat... she could go kill herself. different than that... not too effective. Why are you asking that besides?

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