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Lv 624,611 points


Favorite Answers51%

I spent 15 years between the US Army and US Army Reserves as a 95B- Military Police. I've worked numerous years in Security and 10 years I worked as a Professional Truck Driver and Driver Trainer. 2 of the 10 years driving, I owned my own rig and worked as an Owner-Operator. Currently I volunteer my services and training I received as an MP as a Volunteer In Police Service (VIPS) with a local Police Reserve organization. I am a Lieutenant with the organization & was the Secretary-Treasurer for the past 2 years. I am also a member of the National Rifle Association & a big supporter of the 2nd Amendment. I am currently self-employed and own my own business, along with operating 2 websites that I designed.

  • What is up with this?

    What is up with all of the thumbs downs on numerous responses to questions lately? Even members that have posted the correct answer are getting a thumbs down.

    Are the trolls revolting and planning a coup?

    3 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • What are your likes/dislikes of the following internet browsers?

    Internet Explorer 8


    Google Chrome

    Safari for PC

    2 AnswersOther - Internet1 decade ago
  • Preteens, Teens & Parents- your input is requested?

    Since Y!A does not have any section that is dedicated for the preteen/teens from 13-17, I am in the process of researching Yahoo's TOS, Community Guidelines and other corporate rules & regs to see if it would be feasible & beneficial to both parties to have a dedicated forum created, then submit a proposal to Yahoo to create a section just for you.

    So my question to all of you is this:

    Do you support having a dedicated, well moderated, safe preteen/teen section created within Yahoo Answers so you don't have to worry about being reported for posting your questions in the wrong section or getting answers that only say "Wrong Section", instead of giving you an answer pertaining to the question asked?

    If the response is positive, I will continue my research and contact Yahoo to see if a safe, well moderated, dedicated forum can be established for you. Since I work in Law Enforcement, your safety is my #1 concern, so I am looking at how to keep the spam, possible pedophiles, and any negative influence at a minimum- something that will be a task all of it's own to conquer seeing how spam appears to run rampant in the other sections.

    16 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • A question about my dog Suza?

    I was told when I got this dog that he is a Shepard Chow mix- agree or not?

    He is smart, learns commands quickly & loves to show off when he can- especially for children. But once on a job- he's all business until we get back home.

    He's being trained for security work. I won't train him for drugs or EOD. If he passes the tests, I may train him for search & rescue.

    6 AnswersDogs1 decade ago
  • Parents, what would your first reaction be to this?

    I found this photo online & when I saw it- it just begs the question above. Look it over and answer what your very first response would be if you walked into the room & saw your kids doing this............

    59 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What would you do in this situation?

    This was a question asked on a local radio station tonight so I'm going to put it out to the people of Y!A to see what you would do.

    The question is:

    You are at a bar and you witness someone putting something in a woman's drink. This woman is a complete stranger to you. What would you do next?

    7 AnswersPolls & Surveys1 decade ago
  • Why would you endanger your lives like this?

    I found these two pics in Photobucket. Neither of the originals had the black bars- I put those on there to protect their identities.

    Anyone who went to this person's Photobucket album & viewed the original versions of these pics could see the full name & address of the high school these kids attended, their full names, their parents names & their full address.

    Any pedophile or sicko who viewed these pics in their original format would be able to go right the the kids home and lay in wait until the opportunity was there to kidnap, rape, rob or whatever to these kids with ease, or even wait outside the school, give the kids some believable BS line saying your parents told me to get you- they would already have the parents full names, so it wouldn't be hard to put on a dog & pony show to make the kids believe that something bad had happened to the parents.

    Please- all teens, tweens and younger children DO NOT place personal information in your MySpace, Facebook or any of the photo journals like TinyPic, Flickr or Photobucket.

    Parents- where are you? Those computers you purchased your kids are not babysitters. You need to start acting like parents and monitor what your kids are doing online. I'm sorry that I'm being so harsh on you parents here, but I am tired of seeing missing kids on the news from something as preventable as this. I go to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Kids on a regular basis & every day more & more new posts are being added on their website.

    Please parents- get involved. Kids- no you are not 10 feet tall and bulletproof, so you really need to learn to step back into reality- something could happen to you by posting personal information about yourselves online.

    To these two kids that belong to these report cards- be thankful that I am a law enforcement officer instead of a pedophile- what you did endangered not only your lives, but your entire families. Please, please be more careful kids.

    Anyone who want links to help keep their children safe online, just email me- I'll provide you accurate & very helpful information so you can sit down with your kids to make sure they are safe from sexual predators when they are online.

    8 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What is going on here? ?

    I'm a Pisces and my best friend (female) is a Virgo. From what I've read we are a complete opposite & probably shouldn't even be this close.

    But we are. She is the best friend I've ever had. In fact we are so close, that we have been mistaken as a married couple when people have seen us out together. The friendship is totally platonic, no "friend with benefits". In fact any type of a relationship is totally out of the question (we're both married) and I have had many female friends (non sexual, no relationship...just friends), but none that I have felt so close to as this one. And it still amuses me that people can mistake us as a couple. Yet a Virgo & a Pisces is supposed to be an incompatible combo????

    4 AnswersHoroscopes1 decade ago
  • A question about UK drivers?

    I'm a Yank, but is it really as complicated as people are making it out to be from the questions asked on Y!A to get a drivers license & register a vehicle on the other side of the pond?

    People keep asking the same license questions, MOT, DVLA, road tax, what is the cheapest car to license, etc. From the questions asked, if I ever move to the UK, it appears I'd be better off taking a taxi or bus instead of attempting to get a license or buy a car there.

    6 AnswersOther - United Kingdom1 decade ago
  • Why am I getting this message?

    You cannot view this question at this time.

    Is it because I upset the little Troll & now he has his little panties in a twist because he was asking the same question 15,000 times & the little Troll blocked me?

    4 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • Do you know who Jerry Dove was?

    Hint: Law Enforcement trivia question

    (No cheating by using Google or other search engines)

    7 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Don't you hate it when your parents do this?

    Give you answers like "Because I said so.", "My house, my rules.", "When you start paying the bills in this house, then you can do that."

    These answers will shut down lines of communications fast between you and your parents, sometimes indefinitely. Then when you really need your parents, you are hesitant to approach them or to ask for their assistance or advice.

    The important question here is What would you like your parents to do to maintain better lines of communications with you?

    Preteens, Tweens & Teens- this is your chance to rant to get all of the bottled frustration out & maybe some of these answers will help to reestablish the lines of communications for a few families.

    Parents- listen. I know that you may never know if your son or daughter was one of the respondents to this question, but use what you learn from these kids as if it were coming from your own son or daughter if the situation is similar.

    I am a former law enforcement officer & I'm tired of seeing all of the news reports about teen suicide, criminal activity & teen pregnancy.

    Teens- we were once your age, we are not born as adult parents, not knowing what it's like being young & sometimes, although we may hate to admit it, we were in your shoes & know that what you want to do is bad. Because we've already done it.

    Parents- You need to sometimes go out on a limb & put forth blind faith & trust your child. Let them know if they let you down, there will be consequences, but start trusting your child that they will do what's right.

    13 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • Is a scam, ponzi or pyramid scheme?

    I've come across some online ads, comments in Facebook & blogs in about It is coming across as a MLM ponzi scam or a pyramid scheme that is going to ruin a lot of lives. What exactly is this company?

    On a different subject, I used to be a big fan of Amway & Quixtar, but from the FTC & court records I've read recently, it appears that this iconic company has fallen from grace and is being labeled under the dark cloud of an MLM pyramid.

    I'm not looking to join, so if this is an illegal scam, don't preach- I'm just curious since I operate multiple websites & own my own business. Also, 15 yrs in Law Enforcement has made me like to ask lots of questions about stuff.

    5 AnswersOther - Business & Finance1 decade ago
  • Will inactivity cause you to lose your Top Contributor badge on Y!A?

    I had a TC badge before I had to take a break from Y!A. I was building 2 websites that took up 18-20 hours of my day- every day- & I just didn't have time for Y!A for almost 2 months. When I came back I was no longer a TC in the 2-3 categories I was previously.

    7 AnswersYahoo Answers1 decade ago
  • New laptop- question?

    I work from home & to be more mobile in my business, I've replaced my desktop with a laptop. On the desktop I had a USB inkjet printer & a LPT dot matrix printer for printing receipts. Is there a conversion cable that will allow me to hook up the dot matrix printer to the laptop?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • How do I convert a PC to a Server?

    What do I need to do to turn my desk top computer into a web server to run my home-based business off of.

    There are numerous alternatives now to use (i.e. osCommerce) instead of paying a company (like to host your website.

    What I need to know is how to convert a PC into a server & can it still function as a PC or will I need to get another computer to use as a stand alone PC?

    5 AnswersComputer Networking1 decade ago
  • Easy 10 Points?

    First person to post the correct answer gets the 10 points.


    A motorist is doing 100 in a zone that is clearly marked 65 MPH, why did the police officer say he was not breaking the law & refused to give him a speeding citation?

    10 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Sex Offender Registry?

    I'm looking for a specific website that allows your to enter your address or zip code & it populates an overlay of color coded dots of all of the registered sex offenders living within that geographical area.

    I found it once & apparently forgot to save it to my favorites. I've got a couple of parents with small children that would like to have that site to add to their web favorites.

    LEO's- Thanks for any assistance you can provide, and stay safe out there. Make sure you go home to your families every night.

    3 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police1 decade ago
  • Would you....?

    Let's say that scientists had created a computer system that would tell you the exact date, time & how you would die. Would curiosity get the best of you & you would go to the website or would you allow fate to run it's course and allow the unexpected remain as such?

    10 AnswersReligion & Spirituality1 decade ago
  • They did WHAT?!?!?

    17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting babies. None of the girls are older than 16 & confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. Then the story got worse. One of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,

    This is an excerpt from a recent news story. Click link to view entire story.

    What the flip were these girls thinking???,8599,1815...

    15 AnswersParenting1 decade ago