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Lv 6
? asked in Pregnancy & ParentingParenting · 1 decade ago

They did WHAT?!?!?

17 girls at Gloucester High School are expecting babies. None of the girls are older than 16 & confessed to making a pact to get pregnant and raise their babies together. Then the story got worse. One of the fathers is a 24-year-old homeless guy,

This is an excerpt from a recent news story. Click link to view entire story.

What the flip were these girls thinking???,8599,1815...

15 Answers

  • kitkat
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This is stupidity at its worst. "Nobody has offered them a better option?" Thats what a classmate said. If you dont have a realistic concept that any option is better than intentionally becoming pregnant before 16 there is nothing that is going to help them. These girls didnt become pregnant because of too much or lack of education or contraceptives. So the arguements to that effect are moot. These girls intentionally set out to do this. Id like to know where the parents were while a child under 16 was having sex with a homeless man almost twice her age. These girls were all under 16. Were they supervised at all?

  • 1 decade ago

    Way to go, girls. Get teenagers an even worse reputation than they already have.

    Maybe the school should introduce some classes on why being a mom at such a young age is difficult.

    But parents refusing to introduce their kids to birth control probably don't help matters. I know its their religion, but if the kids followed their parents' religion, they wouldn't be having sex before marriage anyway. Its the parents' religion, not the kids and if the kids are old enough to have sex, they're old enough to have access to birth control.

    I understand the parents may think that no sex is better than safe sex, but most would probably agree that safe sex is better than teenage pregnancy.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Kids can be so ignorant.

    I find it funny how movies like "Knocked Up" and "Juno" or whatever are blamed for kids doing this stuff. How about the lack of parenting and the kids themselves? When are people going to take responsibility for their actions rather than blame the tv and everyone else other than themselves? I've seen movies like that and I didn't think it was "cool" to get knocked up along with 17 other girls just so we can raise babies together.

  • 1 decade ago

    this is discusting and shameful im wondering where their parents were and what roll theyre gonna have to play now its sad these girls have no idea what they got themselves into and how they just ruined their teen yrs stupid girls!! EDIT: i am hearing ppl blame movies ,songs, other teens, the school etc etc but what about the damn parents?? where are they when the girls are having sex and why havent they had their asses in court on child neglect charges for not watching or taking proper care of a teen? you see ppl are so quick to judge these girls and schools etc etc but the fact is it lays with the parents if more laws were past this wouldnt happen it angers me sorry but dont place blame on others or other stuff blame the parents!!

    Source(s): mom of 4 gramma of 3
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  • Mary
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    The poster above me talking about white kids??

    How do you all of these girls were white? Did you see pics of them? You know their history?

    Its really funny bc in my town the majority of kids who do drugs are hispanic. The majority of girls who get pregnant are hispanic - but mostly native american. I dont know why you are assuming they are all white..

    I've also never heard anyone say that its the inner-city kids who get pregnant..

    Have you been living under a rock bc your statements are incredibly ignorant...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i would lose my mind...making a foolish mistake of judgement which is what I did when I got preg. at 16.....but makeing a pact to get pregnant!!! you must be kidding me! My daughter would never leave my house again!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Surprising, but quite typical of today's youth.

    No morals, no limits, no personal responsibility, Uncle Sam will support me, I owe nothing to anyone else Mentality.

    Sad, sad.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think that the school has to be at foult for that and the parents. I think that the school has to many accomodations for the girls. its seems that the girls are tring to fit in with the crowd and the rest of the girls carring on with their strollers and doing fun things all acording to them. Think about it. Girls may think its a new trend to be pregnant, have ababy, and use the school to take care of the babys with a daycare already provided for them. Would you want to be just like the rest of the girls, girls do not want to be left out so they did a pact and now they are in with the crowd. They are teenager and adults can't seem to know how to handle teens. Oviousley if the school is providing, birth control, daycare and supports teen pregnancy why are they shocked that they know have more teen pregnancies. Adults should not make it easier for them by providing all these things, teenager will never understand that it's not easy rasing a baby and going to school, but its ovious that in that school its easy to do it, so why not. Everything is provided.

    I think that the school has put a very bad exaple and now they have to deal with the concequences.

  • 1 decade ago

    Its sad really, all these girls wanted was unconditional love? Shouldn't they have been getting that from their parents? is a horrible thought to think these children don't feel their parents love them unconditionally. Makes me want to go hug my daughter and tell her how much I love her.

    Lesson to learn: Never think your children are too old to need you.

  • 1 decade ago

    They sure don't know want they are putting themselves into when having these babies. I wondering want these parents think of this. Have they talk to their teenagers about sex at all.

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