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Lv 614,454 points

Proud mom of 3

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I am proud mom to wonderful two boys and one girl. I love them very much. They are my life.

  • What 26 states on hit by blizzard in 1993?

    My son is doing a weather project for school and it about blizzards. I am looking for state names that got it March 1993. I know 26 states but they didn't tell me want states did. I been looking online all morning and got no where. Does anyone know.

    2 AnswersWeather9 years ago
  • How often are you feeding your toddlers?

    My daughter is two year old ( 29 months old). She is failure to thrive and needs to eat more often. She is eating better but not enough to gain weight, I try to feed her something every two hours.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Would like some advice need to talk to my boyfriend?

    I been really having hard time getting my boyfriend to see my point of view. I can longer take this and I am stressed out. I tried my best last night to talk to him. But it still hard to tell him want I want. Our time in bed is getting to boring for me. Which isn't the problem.

    I feel best if we end things because I can no longer Stand his daughter. I have tried longest I could but I can't. I don't even know how he feels about me. I had asked him months ago and he said he doesn't know. That not the point for me anyways. But I can't just move out because I don't have the money. Which I had to get a new vehicle. I feel like our relationship is strained out this best way I could describe it on here. The feelings I had for him is gone and I am no longer happy. Today I just feel like crying for no darn reason but because I really can't take this anymore.

    His daughter is very rude to me and is awlful mouthy. He has not been punishing her like he used for her behavior she was doing. He said she was like this before we started dating. But I think it got worse when we started dating. I was friends with him for 12 years before we started dating. I know his daughter 3 weeks old. We think she has bipolar because her mom has it. I been very nice to her daughter but it not getting anywhere. And she continues to be mean to my 3 kids.

    I try to talk to him last night but it was hard. I need to do it tonight before I don't really go insane. A friend of mine told me to leave but then again I don't have the money. Going back to my parents is no answer. My mom and me don't get along anymore and we fight if I go back there.


    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • How did you do your budget on monthly wise?

    I had a payee for while but then she quit on me. So I am trying to write out a budget for each month. I having hard time writing out. I know I need to do this on my own so I need to get routine of doing this.

    I am currently living with my boyfriend. The apartment in our lease. We have 4 kids here. But I get stuff for 3 kids of mine that needs. And he got his daughter needs. I just got a new vehicle. So now I got monthly payments now. This is tough to get started. If you have any example on how to budget that would be fine.

    My boyfriend gives me 150 a month for rent and cable. That want he can afford. He is trying to get a job which isn't getting any luck. He has been trying for 2 years to get a job.

    This want I got so far

    My daughter needs. Diapers and wipes and medical stuff and food written down.

    Car payment when it due

    Same thing for car insurance

    I got rent down has well.

    And same for cable. I don't know when we get another cable bill and when it due yet. We just moved beginning of September and paid them when they turned it on.

    I am not worried about food. I know on that.

    I moved from a car to a van. Should I moved the gas weekly thing up. I would have 30 dollars weekly for gas for my car. Should that be enough for the van.

    I will be putting money aside for emergnacy just incase the van needs fixing I have money for that.


    Tomorrow will be opening checking account. My boyfriend will show and teach me to how to balance my checking account. I had to close my last checking account because of some sale person wouldn't cancel my magazine so they kept taking money out. So I closed the checking account on them. That got them to cancel it quickly.

    1 AnswerParenting1 decade ago
  • Need some advice going to see on car loan tomorrow?

    I am afraid I won't be able to get a car loan approved. I have no way of getting a car loan without a co signer. Which I don't have any at all. I have been trying to check my credit but some odd reason it blocked online.

    I just got out of debt June of this year with old credit store cards. I know that all clean and should be closed. The car I have know been paid off really quickly. I got this car in December 2006 and I paid car payment till March of 2007 I paid it off with my taxes. I really a new car before this one break down I have kids with medical problems so I need to get them to doctor appointments. What should I expect tomorrow and want should I bring tomorrow.

    I am getting a used car from another dealership we want to try to see if I can get a new car loan before looking.

    2 AnswersCredit1 decade ago
  • What else I can do this is my situation.?

    I have a daughter that has medical problems. All of her doctor appointments are an hour away.

    This is my situation. My car is in no good shape to drive out of town. I feel like my car can break down between driving there and back. I can't stand an hour drive there and back with my mom or my aunt. They both are controling freaks. I can get gas vouchers to pay for gas for medical appointments. If I don't get them they get mad easily. And mostly my mom can't take of work anymore and then I have my aunt which at times need her to watch my two older children at these doctor appointment. This is school season.

    I went internet for a used van. We need a van right now. Be more room for my kids. And I have a boyfriend who also has a daughter. It pain in the butt driving two cars if we going to same place each time. I just went through my budget. I have 400 left each month. I know I can afford a car payment underneath that.

    But none of my family doesn't understand that. And my sister in law helps me with my budget has well. And said I should wait. Well then how can i get to medical doctor appointments for my children. Then I can't be driving my car during winter months because of broken window that is taped up to keep the window up. The tape is no longer working and I feel like cold air will go on my daughter and get her sick. I don't want her to get sick because she can be put back in hospital for this.

    What should I do. If you was in this situation want did you do.


    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • I am saling my car. What should I watch for?

    This is my first car I am saling on my car. I don't know want I should watch out for if someone wants to buy it. I don't want it to be a scam or anything

    I have a 1999 Chevrolet Malibu it a silver 4 door. It need a lot of fixing to be done. We are going to sale it for 1 thousand dollars. When I bought it already had broken gas Gauge. The car dealership never told me about that. That one of the problem. Other problems are broken window. It down but won't stay up. We got it tape up for now. It needs new head gasket and anti freeze tank. And I think the sensor are bad.

    If some one interested should I tell them all about the problems. It will get you to point a to point B.

    Also if they want to test the car do I have the right to ask to see their driver License. I want to make sure because of insurance puproses.

    I am going to see my car insurance and ask them some questions. That if I am saling my car and someone else is test driving it and I am in the car with them and some how there a car accident will insurance pay for it.


    5 AnswersBuying & Selling1 decade ago
  • Parents want kind of van u driving.?

    Right now we need a van. I have one kid still sit in booster seat. I have a toddler sits in car seat. And two older children sit normal way with seat belts. It would need least 7 people. But it 4 kids and 2 adults right now. We need one that has plenty of room.

    I hope we start looking soon. Also would need good gas milege. My daughter doctor appointments are an hour away from where we leave. I will be also using the van for.

    I need to decide want to do with my car. My car in no shape to sale or trade it. It needs a lot of fixing. Over thousands dollars I would say. I need a brand new fuel tank or something. My boyfriend saud it cost 700 to get it. A new head gasket need oil change after that done. That be about 500 dollars. One window is broke. Actullay something inside. The window down but won't go up. So right now we have it tape up. New part for that can be 200 to get that fixed. My car is 1999 cheverolt mabliu


    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • I need recipes with these ingrediants?

    My daughter is 21 months old. She failure to thrive. I am making some high calories food.

    What good to add peanut butter to. Then bread and pancakes and waffles.

    Butter has well.

    And carnation breakfast powder stuff to.

    7 AnswersCooking & Recipes1 decade ago
  • How often does your children see their grandparents?

    My parents are it town so my children can see them often they like. Now I have 8 year old son that his other grandma ( my son dad mom) lives out of town. It like an hour away. She call and ask if she can have him for a weekend or holidays when they get together has a family. Which I have no problem with. She comes pick him up and drops him off. We meet our my town walmart. My son loves his grandma there. Right now he been asking to see her and stay there for a weekend. I told him he would need to wait because she on the road and won't be back till October 17. And your grandma will let me know when she back home for good.

    His dad also lives up there. And only time he gets to see our son when his mom has him. I have a whole lot of reasons why. His dad can't not leave the house with his son because of anger issues. He says he taking classes for that but don't know if it working or not. My son was scared of him yelling and he came home once with a bruise on his butt. My son told me this.

    I am been thinking for some time about this. Would you think if it ok for him to see his grandma every other weekend. If she ok with it. I don't think it a problem for her. My son been through a lot changes here lately. He loves his grandma there. I think it would give him a break from dealing with my boyfriend daughter and he get attention. I know he will be seeing his father there but longest my son fine with his daddy being there. I would do it.

    I will be taking to her soon. Should i go ahead let him go up there every other weekend.

    His father been in and out of jail for a lot of reason. One of them is because he hasn't been paying child support.

    Also my son has 4 brother and 1 sister that lives up there he also gets to see when he there.

    13 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What you think of this routine?

    I know some mother are against routine. But I am willing to give it a try with my daughter to see hw it goes. Tell me want you think,

    7:30 we get up. ( two older boys are up getting ready for school)

    7:45 am diaper changed and dress

    7:50 to 8 30 free time.

    8:30 t0 9 am breakfast

    9 am to 9 30 activity

    9 30 to 10 cuddle with mom watch some learning stuff on tv.

    10 to 11 am park or take a walk some where

    11 am back home and wash up from being outside.

    11;30 to 12 is lunch.

    12 pm diaper change and put down for nap.

    12 pm to 2 or 3 get up for a nap

    3 pm snack and diaper check

    3 30 to 4 play outside

    4 to 4 30 activity

    4 30 to 5 free time

    5 to 5 30 supper

    5 30 to 6 bath

    6 to 6 30 cuddle with mom

    6 30 to 6 50 free time and brush teeth

    7 pm to bed.

    What you think.

    activity. I would do is color which is likes to do. Also craft of some kind. what kind of crafts should we do. I thought start to make some crafts to give to family member for christmas this year.

    We might also go outside on activity if she not in mood to do any of that stuff. But she love to color so I don't think she mind of that.

    Routine might not be the same every day. Saturday and Sunday we do sleep in but no matter want she always up before 8 am. I want to do same feeding and same nap time everyday. I think it work our for us.

    What you think and do you have some kind routine for your toddler

    3 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • If you did laundry mat want u did with the kids?

    If you have to do laundry at the laundry mat want did you do with your kids and want ages. I have moved and now got to do laundry at the laundry mat. My 6 year old son and my 21 month old daughter comes along. I try to get it done before my 8 year old gets drop of from his bus from school. It seem to be hard then I thought. They have play land for younger kids like my daughter and they can't run off. But I get bored and they do to.

    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • How did you discpline your toddler?

    My daughter is 21 months old. I know at this age they don't understand but I am getting tired of want she is doing. She been throwing the boys toys and her cups down the stairs that fall down to between the living room and the kitchen. Now she starting to color on the walls. I am about to run to store to get the magic eraser to clean the walls off.

    What the best way to discipline them till they understand no. I don't believe in spanking ( which I did but didn't want to) I don't want to do that again. She has medical problems and don't know want it is for future. She is my last baby. So I would like to discipline her in right way.

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Would you keep your child home for this?

    If your child had a little rash unknown would you keep them home from school. My boyfriend daughter suddenly has little rash and she says it a little burn that hurts. I think because kind of chair that her grandparents has. He said to his daughter last night that if still there in the morning she stay home from school. She says it still there which I didn't see anything. Right now they are in the er. I asked him if he taking to her regular doctor. No he won't do anything and won't find out want it is. That a lie. I ask why you keep taking her there then. He goes there because the doctor do what he ask for. So now I am waiting to see want it is. I think putting bendryal it go away.

    5 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • What kind of toys does your two year old play with.?

    I have a 21 month old daughter. She be turning two December 1 and we got christmas the same month. Right now I am planning and thinking of head want kind of toys to get her. I know she tired of the toys I have right now which still baby stuff. I will be getting all those toys gone and get her all new toys for her birthday and christmas.

    What does your two year old like to play with espically girls. Are they playing baby dolls at this age. I would like to get her a play kitchen but we have limited room right now.

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • I need some encouragment I feel like to give up?

    I have a wonderful 21 month old daughter that I love very much. I know it not her fault the way she is.

    I feel like I don't know want to do anymore or want else I can do for her. My daughter been failure to thrive since she was 1 month old. We gotten a second opinion on it and still stays the same. My

    daughter has a feeding tube that she is tube feed at night. This helps her to gain weight. She doesn't eat enough food to get her to gain weight. My daughter is very active toddler.

    I try all the things I could think of to get her to eat and gain weight. The doctor wants me to add a lot of butter to her food to make it higher calories. I have done that and I stop because I am tired of it.

    I work with her to eat and let her feed herself but doesn't change a thing.

    What else I can do. I know putting butter with vegetables doesn't taste to good. I know it does with corn but not green beans or carrots. How can I get in to a routine to keep adding butter to her foods. Also the mention sour cream and olive oil to her foods.

    My aunt says to feed her every two hours. If I do that I feel like I don't have time to grocery shop and laundry mat to do my laundry if I need to feed her every two hours. Also a lot of people say do a routine that have same time feeding has well. I have two older children that needs attention and help with their home work. I am living with my boyfriend but these are my kids. He not the father and it bad enough he has to deal with his 9 year old daughter that behavior issues.


    1 AnswerToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • It going to be 81 degrees tomorrow be good day for zoo?

    I have a zoo membership. I have 3 kids been asking to go lately. I told them would be waiting till temperature go down. It been in 90 or feels really hot. Well tomorrow it seem fun activities at the zoo tomorrow, Which probably be more fun for 3 older kids. I also have 21 month old daughter that make it four kids and two adults. Right now I am thinking about going. Wait till my boyfriend gets home and talk with him.

    Would you go to the zoo at 81 degrees outside. We will be bringing drinks and lunch. They have building to cool down. But we see more animals if it not to hot out.


    4 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • Would need to get some kind good routine for my daughter?

    My daughter is 21 months old. My daughter failure to thrive toddler and she has been since 1 month old. We just went to see her new GI doctor yesterday. She hasn't gained the weight over a month. I got two months to get her to gain good amount of weight. My daughter been always 5 percentile in weight. I don't know about her height. But I think she perfect size for her age. Since it would help her

    I need some good routine I can do daily with her. I have a paper saying we need scheduling regular meal times same time every day and also snacks. My aunt suggested to feed her every two hours.

    My question is how should I do this. My daughter is tube feed at night and wakes up full. She won't breakfast to hour to two hours after tube feeding stopped. Also want would be good activities to do in between that I could put in routine that be fun for her. My daughter naps good couple of hours.


    When does wic put peanut butter on coupons of theirs. I know they are paying for special formula for my daughter. Her doctor wants to go ahead start peanut butter since it help her to gain weight.

    4 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • Does any one know about Autosomal Deletion Syndrome?

    I have a daughter 21 months old, We just got back from seeing her GI Doctor. We came home with paper from the visit. On there they have Autosomal Deletion Syndrome. I have no clue want that is. The doctor never mention it. I am still doing research and thought I ask here.

    Does your child have it and how they found it.

    What are the problems your child is having.


    My daughter having so many problems we are not getting answers for. She been failure to thrive since one month old. Right now she has a feeding tube.

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago
  • we has mother know want best for our children?

    We all mother knows wants best for our children but why half the time it hard to do. I have wonderful 21 month old daughter. i found out on my birthday I was pregnant and had her by christmas. So it was like my birthday and christmas gift that year.

    She means so much to me. We had rough first year of her life. My daughter was born with webb toes on one of her foot. I had no problem with that. I love her the way she is. My daughter been hospital 4 times of her life for weight issues. When she was 3 months old children service took her away from me. It was battle of getting custody of my baby girl. Finally I got custody of her and children service finally closed my case.

    My daughter is failure to thrive since she was one month old. We have no clue why she can't gain weight and eat like she should. My daughter is very active toddler. I am over protective of her. My daughter has a feeding tube since she was 6 months old to help her to gain the weight. But lately she hasn;t been gaining. I do feel at times wonder if we ever get answers why she like this. My daughter vomits and even she on medicine for her reflux since 3 months old. My daughter only eats 3 to 5 bites and she is done. My daughter on special formula to help her to gain weight.

    I had hard decision to make. At 6 months old seeing my daughter with a feeding tube. I didn;t feel comfortable taking her out of public and have people asking me why she has that. My daughter can drink from sippy cup and a bottle. My daughter gets one bottle a day because she drinks more from bottle then sippy cup.

    I know this time I made the right choice. I found a new pedi doctor for her. He thinks she might have gastric problems. Tomorrow I have a appointment to see a new gi doctor I requested on my own. Her last gi doctor wouldn;t listen to me,

    Like I said my daughter hasn't been gaining to much weight over a month now. I am scared that they admit her back in the hospital. I love my daughter so much. I happy that I have her and she is big part of my life. God gave me this gift. I have no clue want to expect with this new gi doctor tomorrow that I am getting nervous about. But this want my daughter needs for her health.

    My daughter has been 5% percentile since 1 month old. And her height have no clue but she growing slowly.

    What did you have to make for your child

    2 AnswersParenting1 decade ago