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What else I can do this is my situation.?

I have a daughter that has medical problems. All of her doctor appointments are an hour away.

This is my situation. My car is in no good shape to drive out of town. I feel like my car can break down between driving there and back. I can't stand an hour drive there and back with my mom or my aunt. They both are controling freaks. I can get gas vouchers to pay for gas for medical appointments. If I don't get them they get mad easily. And mostly my mom can't take of work anymore and then I have my aunt which at times need her to watch my two older children at these doctor appointment. This is school season.

I went internet for a used van. We need a van right now. Be more room for my kids. And I have a boyfriend who also has a daughter. It pain in the butt driving two cars if we going to same place each time. I just went through my budget. I have 400 left each month. I know I can afford a car payment underneath that.

But none of my family doesn't understand that. And my sister in law helps me with my budget has well. And said I should wait. Well then how can i get to medical doctor appointments for my children. Then I can't be driving my car during winter months because of broken window that is taped up to keep the window up. The tape is no longer working and I feel like cold air will go on my daughter and get her sick. I don't want her to get sick because she can be put back in hospital for this.

What should I do. If you was in this situation want did you do.



I know I can affored. I put down all the bills grocery and gas per month and other needs. And that how I come 400 a month left. But also I found a van 3 thousand and the car payment can be 56 dollars a month.

Update 2:

wow everyone not giving out good answers. Live my life and see what you guys think then. I won't be broke or debt because 56 dollars is less then 100.

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    if i were you i would stop worrying about everyone else like your aunt and mother, and just do what you think is best for you and your family. until they have to drive a car that is at risk for breaking down, they have no right telling you that you dont need a new one.

    try and use your car for a down payment, and go buy a nice used car (or van) that is gonna be around $300 or so a month....that way you still have at least $100 left over a month!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "But also I found a van 3 thousand and the car payment can be 56 dollars a month."

    What is it, a...sixty-plus? month loan? For an elderly $3k van. No. You will still be in debt for it long after it has broken down for good. Don't do this.

    You don't like your mother or aunt -- okay, sucks -- but there's nothing here that suggests that they are detrimental to your daughter. Suck it up, accept the help; you need it, you don't have a lot of good options here.

    Take the $400/month, save it, buy a van when you have the cash on hand. Are you expecting a decent-sized tax refund? Use that...

    "wow everyone not giving out good answers. Live my life and see what you guys think then. I won't be broke or debt because 56 dollars is less then 100."

    Not what you wanted to hear -- still good answers.

    That the monthly payments are small is meaningless because you will still be paying for this thing after it has broken down past repair. $3k vehicles are not meant to last for five years. $56/mo will not be so affordable when you have to put a second car payment for the vehicle that replaces it on top of the $56. And how much of the $56 is interest?

    You want a van -- we get it -- what people are trying to tell you is that it would be a very unwise purchase at this time.

    Do look at this "true cost to own" tool --

    Invest in your family's future, not a van, right now. Take the $400 -- put it in the bank (nb: you do not need a lot of money, nor do you need to lock it away for a long time, to get started in investing in a mutual fund). Every month. Let the mother and aunt drive you, just ignore whatever it is they tell you that you don't like; sit there cheerfully because: you are enduring this in order to be able to do something good for your family.

    Once you have collected a sizable amount in savings, go out and use that to reduce your monthly payments on a large family sedan that has excellent ratings for reliabilty and fuel economy.

    Which is _excellent_ financial advice, even if it is not "Yeah, get the clapped-out old van you want, right now! Pay for it for five years, great idea!"

    But if you can just suck it up a bit longer, you could make a really wise investment. A drafty old van is not going to be a luxury ride for your sick child (but: cold air does not make children, even sickly children, sick -- she does go outdoors to play, of course, and that doesn't make her sick), but a sedan that is not outrageously old and which is in fine shape? It'll be toasty. And cheap to drive, over the course of its very long life (compared to the van) with your family.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would wait on the van... 400 dollars a month may not cover the car payment, insurance and extra gas it will use... (vans use more gas than cars).

    You could ask your boyfriend if you and him can switch cars on the days you have to take your daughter to the doctor...

  • 1 decade ago

    You have two options, suck it up and ride with family or take your chances with another used car than is probably not gonna be any more reliable than the one you have. If all you have is an extra $400 a month you will not be able to afford to fix anything that goes wrong with your car, house, kids, etc. If that is all the extra you have you need to save it for a rainy day and ride with family. Or find a way to make more money.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Ask your boyfriend if he can take you or a close friend or something. Then maybe go to a near dealer and see if they have any old cars that you could buy. If I knew you I would help you out any way I could. I am very sorry you are in the situation and just pray to god he will help you out.

  • 1 decade ago

    Suck it up and go with your mom or aunt. Its for your kid.

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