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Would like some advice need to talk to my boyfriend?

I been really having hard time getting my boyfriend to see my point of view. I can longer take this and I am stressed out. I tried my best last night to talk to him. But it still hard to tell him want I want. Our time in bed is getting to boring for me. Which isn't the problem.

I feel best if we end things because I can no longer Stand his daughter. I have tried longest I could but I can't. I don't even know how he feels about me. I had asked him months ago and he said he doesn't know. That not the point for me anyways. But I can't just move out because I don't have the money. Which I had to get a new vehicle. I feel like our relationship is strained out this best way I could describe it on here. The feelings I had for him is gone and I am no longer happy. Today I just feel like crying for no darn reason but because I really can't take this anymore.

His daughter is very rude to me and is awlful mouthy. He has not been punishing her like he used for her behavior she was doing. He said she was like this before we started dating. But I think it got worse when we started dating. I was friends with him for 12 years before we started dating. I know his daughter 3 weeks old. We think she has bipolar because her mom has it. I been very nice to her daughter but it not getting anywhere. And she continues to be mean to my 3 kids.

I try to talk to him last night but it was hard. I need to do it tonight before I don't really go insane. A friend of mine told me to leave but then again I don't have the money. Going back to my parents is no answer. My mom and me don't get along anymore and we fight if I go back there.


2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    What kind of advice do you want? You didn't include his age or yours and by the way you've written this, I was barely able to understand it. Did you check it over before you hit submit? Read it again carefully and tell me if some parts seem confusing to you. Then maybe you'll understand what I'm saying. Try again and add your ages and maybe you'll get more responses. You also didn't include the ages of the kids, how long you've been together, and many other details. I don't understand why you have 3 kids and have become dependent on this other guy, I don't understand why you mentioned sex becoming boring if it's not the problem, I don't understand why you have 3 kids in the first place, and I don't understand why you seem more focused on your relationship than on those kids you chose to bring into the world. How many different fathers do your 3 kids have? One? More than one? Where are they? Don't you get child support? You're not married to him, so why is he supporting you? I'm just really confused and I imagine those 4 kids are not getting the proper upbringing that they need to become successful adults. How do you think it feels for you children that their mother has become dependent on a guy who's not even their father, that she doesn't even want to be with anymore, and they've got to live in that uncomfortable environment because you don't have any way to get out. Why are they suffering because of you? What kind of mother are you being to those kids? Doesn't sound like a very good one, to me. They need stability. You are failing to provide that for them. One thing is for sure, you need to get on birth control. You're not in any position to be responsible for any more other people since you can't even take care of the ones you have. Maybe you need to seriously get your priorities in order...before your kids grow up to be as screwed up as you seem to be. What do you think?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I just hope that English is not your first language...........

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